UNILAG Reviews Penalties/Sanctions for Exam Misconduct

UNILAG Reviews Penalties/Sanctions for Exam Misconduct

University of Lagos, UNILAG reviewed sanctions/penalties for examination misconduct. No plea will be entertained. 

The Senate of the University of Lagos (UNILAG) has approved the reviewed penalties/sanctions for various cases of examination misconduct as well as instructions to guide students conduct during examinations.

Instructions to Guide UNILAG Students Conduct During Examinations

1.Candidates must attend a minimum of 65% of the lectures for the course; examiners have the right to prevent defaulters from sitting for the examinations.

2.Candidates must be ready to enter the examination hall ten minutes before the time the examination is due to start. Candidates who arrive more than half an hour after an examination has started shall be admitted only at the discretion of the invigilator(s).

3. Candidates may not leave the hall during the examination.

4. Candidates must come with their own writing materials to the examination hall.

5. Communication between candidates is strictly forbidden.

6. The only permissible way of attracting the attention of the invigilator is by the raising of hand.

7.  All rough work must be done in the answer booklets and crossed neatly throughout.

8. Candidates are to write legibly.  Names are not to be written on the answer booklets.  The answers to each question must be started on a separate page.

9. Attendance register is to be signed at the commencement of the examination and as each candidate hands in the script to the invigilator.

10. Candidates must ensure that they have inserted at the appropriate places on the front cover of their booklets, their matriculation numbers and the number of questions answered.

11. Mobile phones must be motivator switched off in examination hall.

UNILAG sanctions/Penalties for Examination Misconduct

The following prescribed penalties will be imposed on anyone cause committing the under listed acts of misconduct.  No plea will be entertained.

Candidates are hereby informed that any student caught or implicated in any act of misconduct would automatically cease to continue with the examination until the case has been declared. 


SchoolGist Team.

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