FUTA 2013/2014 Post UTME screening (Computer Based) started this morning, July 19th while that of Direct Entry students (also computer based) holds tomorrow July 20th, 2013.
FUTA 2013/2014 Post UTME Exam Date/Time Table
Day 1: Thursday, 18th July, 2013
- School of Management.
- School of Engineering.
- School of Environmental.
- School of Earth and Minerals.
Day 2: Friday, 18th July, 2013
- School of Science.
- School of Agriculture.
- Direct Entry.
Items/Documents for Screening
All candidates are requested to bring along the following items to the screening venue:
(i) Depositor’s copy of Bank Teller indicating payment of TWO THOUSAND NAIRA (N2, 000.00) for Registration.
(ii) Print out of e-transact receipt (collected from the bank).
(iii) Completed Registration Form (downloaded from the FUTA website).
(iv) JAMB UTME Notification of Results/JAMB Slips for Direct Entry candidates.
Further notes
1. The Venue of the Screening exercise is the Electronic Test Centre (ETC) “Obakekere Campus” of the Federal University of Technology, Akure.
2. Candidates are NOT allowed to bring cell phones or electronic gadget(s) into the examination hall.
3. Any UTME/DE candidate who fails to present himself/herself for the computer-based screening exercise will NOT be considered for admission.