After the consultation with the Dean of Students Affairs and all HEC Chairmen/Chairperson, the Student Executive Council (S.EC) of the Federal University of Technology, Akure Students' Union (FUTASU) has found it necessary to have a regulated price for all Hall of Residence due on campus.
The decision became necessary majorly because of the displeasure registered by the student populace on outrageous fees initially stated for various Hall of Residence due. Henceforth the following due schedule should be strictly adhered to by every member of HEC
Hall Due: 500
Development Levy 1500 (Total of N2000)
Note: The only addition to the aforementioned total should be the money for Vest (T-shirt) which is unique for each Hall of Residence. Any Hostel found collecting More than the stated price would be penalized and dealt with by the appropriate authorities.
Thanks for your regular cooperation