The Governing Council of the
Federal University of Technology,
Akure (FUTA) has approved the
appointment of Professor
Adebiyi Daramola as the
Institution’s 6th substantive Vice-
Chancellor. The appointment was
made on 10th May 2012 at the
special meeting of the Governing
Born on March 2, 1958, Prof.
Daramola had his secondary
education at Anglican Grammar
School, Ile-Ife and Saint Charles
College, Osogbo before
proceeding to the Polytechnic,
Ibadan in 1975. He had his first
degree from the University of Ife
(now Obafemi Awolowo
University, Ile-Ife) and the
Master’s and Doctor of
Philosophy Degrees from the
University of Ibadan.
Prof. Adebiyi Daramola started
his working career as a
Teaching/Tutorial Assistant in the
Department of Agricultural
Economics, University of Ibadan
in 1982.
He later joined the services of the
Federal University of Technology,
Akure as Assistant Lecturer in
1986 and rose through the ranks
to become a professor in the
Department of Agricultural
Economics and Extension in
Prof. Daramola has served the
University in various capacities;
as Head of Department, Chairman
and member of various
committees. He has over 50
publications in both National and
International reputable journals.
He is a Consultant to World Bank
and Federal Government of
Nigeria, Agricultural Consultant to
International Finance
Corporation/Accord Associate,
Evaluation Consultant to UK –
Department for International
Development and Consultant to
African Development Bank,
among others. A member of
many academic and professional
organizations, including
American Association of
Agricultural Economists,
International Association of
Agricultural Economists and
Nigerian Association of
Agricultural Economists etc.,
Professor Adebiyi Daramola is
happily married with children.
The appointment takes
immediate effect.