This is to inform the Public, particularly Parents/Guardians of final year Pupils of Public and Private Primary Schools in the State that year 2021 Common Entrance Examination will be administered for candidates seeking admission into Junior Secondary School Class one (JSS I) of Public Schools in the State.
By this announcement, all applicants from public and Private Schools are enjoined to complete the process of registration for the Examination through the Local Inspector of Education (L.L.E.) in their area. Registration closes on Monday, 2nd August, 2021 by 12.00 midnight and the Common Entrance Examination holds on Thursday, 5th August, 2021 at the various designated Centres across the State, by 8.00a.m.
In this regard. Headteachers are urged to register candidates from their schools within the stipulated period as late registration will not be entertained by the Board.
Thank you.