Civic Education lesson note for SS1 Second Term is now available for free. The State and Federal Ministry of Education has recommended unified lesson notes for all secondary schools in Nigeria, in other words, all private secondary schools in Nigeria must operate with the same lesson notes based on the scheme of work for Civic Education.
Civic Education lesson note for SS1 Second Term has been provided in detail here on schoolgist.ng
For prospective school owners, teachers, and assistant teachers, Civic Education lesson note is defined as a guideline that defines the contents and structure of Civic Education as a subject offered at SS level. The lesson note for Civic Education for SS stage maps out in clear terms, how the topics and subtopics for a particular subject, group works and practical, discussions and assessment strategies, tests, and homework ought to be structured in order to fit in perfectly, the approved academic activities for the session.
To further emphasize the importance of this document, the curriculum for Civic Education spells out the complete guide on all academic subjects in theory and practical. It is used to ensure that the learning purposes, aims, and objectives of the subject meant for that class are successfully achieved.
Civic Education Lesson note for SS1 carries the same aims and objectives but might be portrayed differently based on how it is written or based on how you structure your lesson note. Check how to write lesson notes as this would help make yours unique.
The SS1 Civic Education lesson note provided here is in line with the current scheme of work hence, would go a long way in not just helping the teachers in carefully breaking down the subject, topics, and subtopics but also, devising more practical ways of achieving the aim and objective of the subject.
The sudden increase in the search for SS1 Civic Education lesson note for Second Term is expected because every term, tutors are in need of a robust lesson note that carries all topics in the curriculum as this would go a long way in preparing students for the West African Secondary Examination.
This post is quite a lengthy one as it provides in full detail, the Civic Education-approved lesson note for all topics and sub-topics in Civic Education as a subject offered in SS1.
Please note that Civic Education lesson note for SS1 provided here for Second Term is approved by the Ministry of Education based on the scheme of work.
I made it free for tutors, parents, guardians, and students who want to read ahead of what is being taught in class.
SS1 Civic Education Lesson Note (Second Term) 2024
Topic: Goals of Citizenship Education
- Meaning of Citizenship, acquisition of citizenship
- Definition of the goals of citizenship Education
- Goal of Citizenship Education – Acquisition Knowledge, right attitude, value, etc.
- Various Laws and Rights of individuals in the Society
Meaning of Citizenship
Citizenship can simply be defined as the legal right that a person has, to belong to a particular country. It is a situation whereby an individual becomes a legitimate member of a country, accepting responsibility and enjoying privileges attached to it. A citizen therefore is a legal member of a given state who possess the legal and natural rights in the state where he or she resides.
Acquisition of citizen
In the modern society, there are five main ways of acquiring citizenship, these are;
1.Citizenship by birth: this is the situation whereby the parents of the person are natives in the country or a person born by citizens of a country. For example; a child born by Nigerian parents automatically becomes a Nigerian by birth.
2.Citizenship by registration or marriage: this occurs when Nigerian male marries for example a Briton (a British) woman. The woman automatically becomes a citizen of Nigerian through registration of marriage.
3.Citizenship by nationalization: this happens when an alien or a foreigner becomes a citizen of another country having fulfilled and satisfied the countries conditions to acquire the citizen of that country as laid down by the constitution of that country. It is a process by which an individual voluntary changes his/her citizenship of a state to that of another in which he or she resides. Some of the conditions that an alien of another country must fulfil are: as follow;
4.Applicant must be an adult acceptable in the community.
5.Applicant must be of good character
- Applicant must swear an oath of allegiance
1.Applicant must be able and have been contributing to community and national development and growth.
2.Applicant must have been residing in a particular community in that country for specific period of time.
4.Honorary citizenship: from time to time the government of a country have been honouring distinguished or important person or eminent person with citizenship of that country. For example such icon figures in Nigeria like: Sir Ahmadu Bello, Nnamdi Azikwe, Chief Obafemi Awolowo have been honoured with citizenship of other countries of the world.
5.Citizenship by blood ties or decent: citizenship of a country is also acquired through blood ties. This means that the fact that a child was born in a particular community in the country does not necessarily confer the status of the citizenship on that person.
Meaning of Citizenship Education
This is the process of imparting the citizens with the knowledge of their rights, values and developing their skills and attitude towards the development and the affairs of their states.
Goals of Citizenship education
Citizenship education aims at achieving the goals below:
1.To prepare the students and the youth for leadership role
2.To develop the interest of the students towards the growth of their country.
3.To enable citizens acquire relevant knowledge about the affairs of a politically organized society at all levels.
4.To educate citizens on their right and inform them about their obligations in the country.
5.To enable citizens see the need for national unity.
6.To promote knowledge and understanding of the system of government in their country.
Various Laws and Rights of individuals in the Society
Law can be defined as a body of rules and regulation through which a society is governed to maintain peace and orderliness
Laws are made by the legislative part of government.
Types of law
1.Civic law: civic law helps people to enforce their rights. It is the branch of law that helps people to settle disputes between individuals and organization in which compensation may be awarded to the victim. It is the law of the state that deals with the right of the citizens.
2.Criminal law: It is the body of law that relates to crime. It is the law that sets out the punishment to be imposed on people who do not obey the laws, it is also known as penal law.
3.Public law: This is the law that controls the relationship between the arms of government. It also controls the relationship between the state and individual member of the state.
Rights of Citizens
According to section iv of the 1999 Nigeria constitution, Nigerian citizens are entitled to the following rights.
1.Right to life
2.Right to dignity of human person
3.Right to fair hearing
4.Right to private and family life
5.Right to freedom of conscience and religion
6.Right to freedom of expression
7.Right to personal liberty
8.Right to freedom of movement
9.Right to own property anywhere in Nigeria
10.Right to peaceful assembly and association.
Test and Exercises
1.The legal right that a person has to belong to a particular country is called
(a) staying power
(b) indigenization
(c) citizenship
(d) foreigner
2.Citizenship status is acquired through
(a) birth, indigenization, colonization, referendum
(b) association, convention, naturalization and incorporation
(c) birth, naturalization, honorary and registration
(d) registration, inter-relationship, integration and declaration
3.One of the aims of citizen education is to produce students with
(a) creative skill
(b) high sense of entrepreneurial skill
(c) high sense of patrotism
(d) manipulative skill
4.One of these is not one of the rights citizens enjoy
(a) right to kill
(b) right to life
(c) right to freedom of expression
(d) right to fair hearing
5.The laws through which a society is governed to maintain peace and orderliness include the following except
(a) criminal law
(b) church law
(c) public law
(d) civic law
- Meaning of Government
- Structures of Government
- Functions of Government
Meaning of Government
As An Institution
Government is an agency or machinery through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and attained. It is the institution which makes and enforces law within the territorial boundaries of the state in order to regulate activities within the state in the interest of the citizens.
As a Process or Art of Governing
Government is seen as a body vested with the power and authority for maintaining security, peace and stability by making and enforcing conventional and fundamental laws in a given state or society.
Structures of Government (Nigeria)
Nigeria is a federal republic of 36 states with Abuja as Federal Capital Territory. The total number of local government as contained in section 3 and first schedule of 1999 constitution is 774 local governments which includes 6 councils in Abuja. The constitution however, recognized three (3) tiers of government in Nigeria – Federal, State and Local government.
Features of (Nigerian) Government
1) There is supremacy of the constitution.
2) There is bicameral legislature at the federal level – National Assembly consisting of:
(a) The Senate: Composed of 109 senators with the senate president as the chairman. Each state of the federation has 3 senators each and the Federal capital has 1senator.
(b) House of representatives consists of 360 members with the honourable speaker as the Chairman. Seats at the House of Representatives are not shared equally.
3) At the state level, there are unicameral legislature i.e. state houses of assembly.
4) Abuja is the Federal Capital Territory and it is administered by the federal government.
5) The powers and functions of Nigeria are shared between the Federal and State governments. Shared under – Exclusive list (Federal), Concurrent list (Federal and states) and Residual list (states).
6) The federal and state government have its own judicial system.
7) The Supreme Court is the highest court of the federation.
8) Nigeria operates the presidential system of government in which the president is vested with all executive powers of government. The president is the head of state, the head of government and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
9) There is separation of powers and there are checks and balances.
10) The constitution is written and rigid.
11) Regulated multi-party system is operated.
Function of Government
1) Law Making: The main function of government includes law making, law execution and law adjudication.
2) Maintenance of law and order: The government is saddled with the responsibility of maintaining law and order. The police and the courts are established to carry out this function.
3) Defence of the country: To enable government function appropriately in this regard, the armed forces are set up and equipped to defend the country against any external attack.
4) Protection of lives and properties: The government owes it as its duty to protect lives and properties of the citizens.
5) Administration of justice: The law court settles disputes and administer justice. The prisons are established to punish offenders.
6) Provision of amenities: It is the duty of government to provide basic amenities for the well being of the citizens. For instance; Health care, public utilities, subsidized housing, public education etc.
7) Provision of employment opportunities: It is the duty of the government to provide employment and an enabling environment for the citizen to do business.
8) Political functions: These include conducting free and fair election, regulating political activities.
Test and Exercises
1.Government as an institution makes and enforces law in the interest of
(a) aliens
(b) indigents
(c) citizens
(d) political parties
2.The total number of local governments in Nigeria is
(a) 774
(b) 775
(c) 776
(d) 777
3.Nigeria operates a ______________ federal legislature
(a) unicameral
(b) bicameral
(c) tricameral
(d) quadcameral
4.The Nigerian government is structured into
(a) state, counties, federal
(b) local, federal, confederation
(c) federal, state, local
(d) counties, federation, state
5.At the state level, Nigeria operates a _______ legislature
(a) unicameral
(b) bicameral
(c) tricameral
(d) quadcameral
Functions and Structures of government.
Structure of Nigerian Government: The federal republic of Nigeria is governed in accordance with the provision of the May 1999 Federal Constitution of Nigeria.
Government can be defined as people and groups with the authority to perform certain functions in the society.
For the government to perform its functions as an institution of a state, its activities are organized into institutions with a standard pattern of relationship.
These structures are: 1. The Executive
- The Legislative
- The Judiciary
The Legislature
This is the arm of government that is responsible for making of laws for the administration of the country. It is usually referred to as the parliament. The members of parliaments are either nominated or elected from different parts of the nation. There are two types of legislature: bicameral and unicameral legislature.
A bicameral legislature exists in a society where there are two chambers or houses, that is, the upper and the lower chamber. In Nigeria, the lower chamber is called the House of Representative while the upper chamber is known as the Senate. The two houses are collectively referred to as the National Assembly. Unicameral legislature exists in countries where there is only one chamber. This is practiced in countries like Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Turkey.
Functions of the legislative arm of government
1.Enactment of laws for the smooth running of government;
2.Approval of budget that is presented by the executive arm of the government;
3.Screening and approval of ministerial nominees, ambassadors and other key government officials;
4.Approval of treaties made with other nations by the executive arm of the government;
5.Amendment of the constitution;
6.Setting up of probe panels to investigate the activities of governmental institutions such as parastatals and corporations.
7.The removal of erring members of the executive through the process of impeachment by passing a vote of no confidence.
The Executive
The president and his ministers constitutes the executive at the federal level, the Governors and their commissions constitute the executive at the state level while the chairman and the supervisory councilors constitute the executive at the local government level.
The executive institution of a state implements and enforces government laws, programs and policies.
Functions of the Executive
1.Responsible for policy formulation
2.They are responsible for implementation
3.They are responsible for budget preparation
4.They appoint government functionaries
5.Maintenance of law and order
6.They assert bills
7.They are responsible for protecting the country against external forces.
The Judiciary
This arm of government is concerned with the interpretation and the application of the law. The duties of the judiciary are carried out in the various courts of law. The members of the judiciary include the judges, lawyers, court clerks and other officials working in the courts of law. Under the judiciary we have the following courts; customary court, magistrate court, High court.
Functions of the judiciary
1.The interpretation of the laws of the country as contained in the constitution
2.It punishes offenders who contravene the law.
3.Settling disputes between people on one hand and between individuals and the government on the other hand.
4.It acts as check to the other arms of government.
5.It advises the government on legal and constitutional matters.
6.It protects the fundamental rights of individual citizens.
7.It makes regulations in the course of interpreting the existing laws.
Test and Exercise
1.The arm of government responsible for making law is——– (a)the executive (b)the legislature (c)the judiciary (d)all of the above.
2.The book that states the rules, principle and laws of how a state is governed is called ———-(a) decree (b)book of life (c)constitution (d)book of punishment.
3.All of these are the source of constitution except————– (a)convention (b)history of the people (c)decrees (d)president’s speech
4.The arm of government responsible for interpreting laws is ———– (a)the judiciary (b)the executive (c)the president (c)the legislature.
5.The two types of legislature are ——— and —————- (a)house of senate and house of representative (b)unicameral and bicameral (c)executive and judiciary (d)decrees and act of parliament.
Objective Test
1.The arm of government that implements government laws is called___________? (a) Executive (b) Legislative (c) Judiciary (d) None of the above
2.__________ is the upper legislative chamber in Nigeria. (a) House of Common (b) House of Representative (c) House of Lords (d) House of senate
3.___________ is the lower legislative chamber in Nigeria (a) House of common (b) House of Representative (c) House of Lord (d) House of senate
4.__________ is the highest court in Nigeria. (a) Federal High court (b) Sharia court of appeal (c) magistrate court (d) Supreme court
5.___________ is among the universally declared human rights? (a) Right to life (b) Right to free conscience and religion (c) Right to standard education
Essay Test
1.Name four types of laws and rights of individuals.
2.List four functions of the Government
Civic education for senior secondary schools 1 by S.O .Omotuyole
Kaysho Comprehensive Civic Education for Senior Secondary School,by Adeniyi Adeyemo et al pages28-40.
Sub-Topic 1: Nationalism and major local/world civic problems.
Nationalism: According to Barkindo, et al, 1994, “is an expression of a feeling of common identity by a group.” J.H Price in 1970 defined “Nationalism as a policy designed to achieve self-determination by removal of alien rule”
Nationalism is the sense of attachment and consciousness that a citizen has for his country such that he is ready to give all he can to serve the state and promote the country towards development.
A nationalist is the one who lives to buy a future for his nation and the betterment of humanity.
Nationalism involves showing respect for the symbols of the nation-The Coat of Arms of the country, the National Anthem, the Pledge and the Flag. It can also be described as the strong emotional awareness of belonging to a nation held in bondage by foreign domination which leads to struggle against such foreign rule and domination. A situation of representing the whole country irrespective of the region, state or ethnic group one comes from.
Major local/world civic problems
- There are local challenges of equality in the distribution of resources; this is why we have civic problems-Niger Delta where militants are always going on rampage. The Ife/Modakeke conflict in Osun state, Aguleri and Umuleri in Anambra state, fighting between Hausa and Kataf in Kaduna state. Religious crisis in Jos and other Northern states. The recent issue of Boko Haram has caused civic problem which can be described as internal terrorism.
- The boundary problems, which also cause bloodshed, and transcends to international boundaries problems causing occasional brushes-Dispute on Bakassi, Peninsula between Nigeria and Cameroon.
- Political crisis in Nigeria and other nations of the world such as Libya, Egypt, Syria, Cote D’Ivoire.
- Natural disasters such as earth quake, Tsunami, Flood and global warming deterioration of the ozone layer,
1.Explain nationalism.
2.Identify three local civic problems and three world civic problems.
Sub-Topic 2: Nationalistic Roles of individuals and groups.
Some individuals who stake their lives for the independence or towards freeing themselves from foreign rule in order to determine their own future after independence. Renowned nationalist in the continent of Africa-Nelson Mandela who spent twenty seven (27) years in prison to fight against Apartheid regime in South Africa, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana. Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia, Julius Nyerere of Tanzania.
Herbert Macaulay born 14th November, 1864 founder of Nigerian National Democratic Party (NNDP) in 1922. The President of National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (N.C.N.C) formed in 1944.
He opposed a number of unpopular colonial government regulation-He championed the cause of Eshugbayi and also led a delegation to the privy council in London to protest against the constitution of British government. He died in 1946 in Kano.
Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe born in 1904. He mounted consistent and severe opposition against perpetual rule of the British Colonial Administration with West African Pilot Newspapers. He could be credited with the establishment of the University of Nigeria Nsukka.
He was the first African Governor General appointed on 16 November, 1960 to become a member of privy council and the first ceremonial President of Nigeria. He died on the 11th of May, 1996. His picture adorns five hundred naira note.
Chief Obafemi Awolowo was born on the 6th of March, 1906. He came and joined others in the struggle for Nigeria’s independence.
He organized Egbe Omo Oduduwa in 1948 a Yoruba Cultural group which later became the Action Group formed in 1951.
The First premier of western region. He introduced Free Primary Education for the region, provided social amenities like the establishment of Bodija Housing Estate, Liberty Stadium and Western Nigerian Television which was the First in Africa. He died on 9th may, 1987. His picture adorns the one hundred naira note.
Alhaji Abubaka Tafawa Balewa (1912-1966) He Co-founded the Northern people’s Congress (NPC) with the (Sardauna) of Sokoto-he was assassinated in a military coup in 1966. His picture is on the five naira note. He was instrumental to the formation of Organization of African Unity (OAU) in 1962. He was the golden voice of Africa and the rights of Northern Nigeria. He was the prime minister when Nigeria gained Independence in 1960. There were others- Ahmadu Bello, General Yakubu Gowon, Funmilayo Ransome Kuti, Queen Amina.There were groups that played some roles in the nation-Nigerian Youth movement founded in 1933 as Lagos Youth Movement later renamed Nigerian Youth Movement in 1936 founded by Dr. James Church hill and others. They fought for –the inferior status of Yaba College appointment of Africans to senior positions in the civil service and discrimination against African truck drivers.
Roles of Nationalist leaders in nation building:
1.They help in promoting people’s and pride in their country.
2.They helped in bringing together nations that are within a nation.
3.They help in putting an end to era of colonial rule
4.Their activities brought political and self government to Nigeria.
5.They helped in the formation of political parties.
6.They helped in promoting political communication between Nigerian indigenes and British authorities both in Lagos and London and between Nigeria and other British West African Countries.
- Name two nationalist and their roles.
- Mention some groups their roles in Nigeria.
1.Explain nationalism.
2.Identify three local civic problems and three world civic problems
3.Name three nationalist and their roles
4.Define nationalism and identify nationalistic roles of some individuals.
5.Identify local/world civic problems.
Objective Test
1.Who founded the first political Party in Nigeria? (a) Herbert Macaulay (b) Obafemi Awolowo (c) Ahmadu Bello (d) Nnamdi Azikwe
2._________ is the first regional premier that introduced free Education in Nigeria. (a) Ahmadu Bello (b) Tafawa Balewa (c) Obafemi Awolowo (d) Nnamdi Azikwe
3.One of these is not known for his nationalistic role. (a) Nelson Mandela (b) Kwame Nknemah (c) Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe (d) Dr. Good luck Jonathan
4.The following groups are known for their nationalistic roles except: (a) The West African Students’ Union (WASU) (b) Nigeria Trade Union (c) Nigerian Labour Congress (d) Political parties
5.Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe died in : (a) 7th May 1946 (b) 9th May 1987 (c) 15th January 1966 (d) 11th may 1996
Essay Test
1.Define nationalism and identify nationalistic roles of some individuals.
2.Identify local/world civic problems.
Read about major world civic problems
Read the next term notes
Read Basic Civic Education for Senior Secondary Schools, by Ukaegbu merry et al, pages 55 -59
1.Basic Civic Education for Senior Secondary Schools, by Ukaegbu merry et al, maybik Publishers.
2.Mind Exploits Civic Education for Senior Secondary Schools, by B S Amao. Mind Exploit Publishers.
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