This is to inform the General Public especially the newly recruited teachers who live under one pre-engagement training that they are to collect their appointment letters at the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Education between 10.0am and 2.00pm on the days scheduled for their subject areas below
Tuesday 1/2/2022
- English Language
Wednesday 2/2/2022
- Mathematics & Physics
Thursday 3/2/2022
- Chemistry & Agric. Science
Friday 4/2/2022
- Biology & Geography
Monday 7/2/2022
- Computer, PHE Accounting, Economics, History
Tuesday 8/2/2022
- Basic Science, Basic Tech. CRS/IRS & Govemment
9th - 10th February, 2022
- All NCE holders in various disciplines
Note: Please come along with original and photocopies of your credentials as well as six pasport photographs.