How to Check 2023 JAMB exam results

How to Check 2023 JAMB exam results

We have confirmed that JAMB result for 2023 is out. JAMB has started releasing the results of the 2023 exam. Some candidates have already been able to check their results. We advise candidates who have participated in the exam to proceed to check if their results have been released.

At the moment the results can only be checked via SMS to 55019 or 66019. We have provided below the instructions candidates are to follow to check their JAMB results;

How to Check your JAMB Results through SMS to 55019 or 66019

  • To check your JAMB results via the SMS method, you are required to send UTMERESULT to either 55019 or 66019.
  • The SMS must be sent using the phone number you used to register for JAMB
  • There must be at least N50 naira airtime or call credit on the phone line

Please note that this is the only option made available by JAMB for now to check the results. So for those who have lost the phone number they used to register for JAMB or are having other issues checking the results, we advise you wait for JAMB to open the portal for candidates to check their results directly on JAMB website.

We believe that soon, probably by next week, JAMB will enable the portal for candidates to check the results  directly via the JAMB website for free. Once JAMB has enabled the portal for candidates to check their results online for free, we will let you know.

Please note that all the results may not be available at the moment. However we believe that the results of all the candidates who wrote the exam should be available within the next couple of days.

Also note that if you or the centre where you took the exam happened to be implicated in any form of malpractice, this may lead to your result being withheld or possibly cancelled. For instance, with respect to absent or rescheduled candidates, or those under investigation, the response would be: YOU WERE ABSENT, RESCHEDULED OR UNDER INVESTIGATION.

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