Word Of The Day

Word Of The Day

Definitions :

1. Also, eristical. pertaining to controversy or disputation; controversial.

2. A person who engages in disputation; controversialist.

3. The art of disputation.


1. Sokrates was much more eristic than Protagoras, who generally manifested himself by continuous speech or lecture.
Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume II (of 4) George Grote

2. Here, then, is a double indication of the connexion of the Parmenides with the eristic school.
Parmenides Plato

3. Lucian's references to the school are as eristic or argumentative.
The Works of Lucian of Samosata, v. 4 Lucian of Samosata

Did you know:

Eristic can be traced to the Greek adjective eristikós meaning "fond of wrangling" and further to the Greek noun éris meaning "discord." It entered English in the 1630s.

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