A lot of students would have a tendency to try and bring everything they own on their study abroad adventure. This is not the case! There’s no point in having the 5 suitcases that you intend to pack at the airport when you’ve only got two pairs of hands. I promise you.
Take a look at these 5 tips for you here:
Narrow it down. Place everything that you want to bring and spread them on your bed. Then get rid half of it. You won’t need more than five pairs of pants and 10 shirts during your semester abroad. This is especially so if you bring items that are in neutral colours and can be paired with a variety of different coloured cardigans/jackets, scarves etc. One student said that when she was abroad she only took four pairs of pants, 4-5 tank tops/camisoles, 1-2 blouses, two cardigans and one coat. She then bought 5 scarves when she reached her destination. These only need one big suitcase and still have space leftover for her to pack her toiletries and anything else that she wanted to bring with her.
Cull unnecessary beauty products. You do not need to bring for you to pack your straightener/hair dryer/electric razor. Chances are you’ll probably burn the appliance out on its first use in another country. We suggest that you to buy whatever hair/shaving appliances that you need when you arrive; especially in you’re living in an apartment. You can them split the cost between you and your roommates and share the appliances.
Adaptors are your best friend. When going overseas, it’s always a good idea to invest in an adaptor kit. These kits (for all the different types of power plugs) usually cost between $10-$20 and they’ll keep your appliances safe and ensure that you’ll always be connected to a power source.
Pack efficiently. One of the best ways for you to pack your clothes is either to roll them or purchase vacuum seal bags for your clothes. You’ll save a lot of room employing these two methods! I personally prefer to use the latter. I’ve always got a bunch of vacuum seal bags at home that I take out to use whenever I travel. Vacuum sealing your clothes will enable you to fit practically twice the amount of clothes! What’s more, your clothes won’t be as crinkly when you pull them out. When you’re heading home and there’s no vacuum, all you need to do is to roll up the bag to push all the air out.
We hope that these tips will help you pack smarter for your semester abroad, some of these tips useful for when you’re packing up for a vacation!
Useful links:
To Look for courses you can study abroad: Please Click Here
Find out how diverse is your dream university by visiting this link: https://www.hotcoursesabroad.com/study/rankings/hdi.html