If you will be sitting for JAMB UTME 2015, Kindly read this.
It is not an unknown fact that some Nigerian students after their JAMB examination will end up scoring zero over 400 ( 0.00/400.00). Last two years when I wrote my first Jamb examination, I had this feeling that I am going to smash the exam with a high grade like at least 350 over 400 but finally I found myself scoring 179 over 400, poor me right I guess.
But I thank Baba God for even making me see my score. Some of my colleagues didn,t even see any thing called grade talk more of scoring 0 over 400, I will share some tips and reason why I failed my examination and also from survey why many students also failed ,
Here are the 10 Reasons why Nigerian students fail JAMB:
1: Fear
According to H.P. Lovecraft, Supernatural Horror in Literature , He said that “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown” , Seriously speaking, I was afraid then , the fear of Jamb made me to think if I was going into Do or Die Affair.
I could also remember vividly that very day of the examination it took me about 10 minutes before I could even start shading some answer all because I was afraid to even start somewhere. Fear contributed to my failure .
So my fellow students, Be bold , courageous and never you think of failure in your jamb examination. Jamb is just like a normal examination but very tricky….
2: Jamb Syllabus
It might sound funny but I bet you, Jamb follow some syllabus topics in setting up their examination questions, Then I was busy going to extra moral class , thinking i will grab everything within 3 months. but i was disappointed when I got into the examination hall . So I advice all students that will be sitting for Jamb 2014 to at least get tips about all the topics jamb listed in their syllabus.
3: Power of Jamb Past-Question
My dear never neglect the power of past question papers. They reveal some tips and sample questions on what you will be facing in your examination. After the examination that day, some of my friends that finished about 4 years jamb past questions papers told me that about 20 questions each came out from jamb past questions. I was shocked but No second chance for an amendment. So start now to practice some jamb past question.
4: Miracle Centre
Believe it or Not, This is an OPEN Confession, the fear of failing made me to get some A,B,C,D,E from a lady sitting beside me that very day. She registered in Miracle Center(RUNS THINGS). I am very sure my score would have been more better that it was if I had focus without getting some data from that girl. After the examination , she showed me the Answer her boyfriend sent to her but to my greatest surprised the my English language paper TYPE was A but the one her boyfriend sent her was TYPE C. unfortunately to me I carried my USE of English Over… So. BE CAREFUL…..
5: Invigilators
Nowadays, invigilators can frustrate students to the extend of asking them to pay or there will be NO communication inside the examination hall. For instance i could remember that day, one invigilator asked us to pay #2,500 each to allow us share and communicate with each other BUT if you fail to pay automatically you will become NO 1 Suspect in the hall. They will try anything humanly possible to make you fail unless you know your Creator.
6: Coming Late
Yes, I will advice you all that will sitting for the 2014 Jamb to be in your Centre 1 hour before the examination start. Try as much as you can to be first student to be in your centre. Coming late to any examination will make you feel that you have lost it all. you will automatically dis-organize yourself .
7: Breakfast
Yes , we know that a hungry man is an Angry man. Do not use because you are going to write Jamb examination you will starve yourself . Before leaving in the morning please take something atleast one cup of coffee or tea with bread will be nice to hold you. Sometimes , your exam will even start later than planned.
8: Long Distance
The possibility of a student living in Enugu to meet up with an examination that will start around 9.00am in Ebonyi state is just 40/100 because anything can happen. Some student will tell you i will meet up but along the line , they will be hooked up on the way. The question is:
What if the Car breaks down on the way( Which we don,t pray for)
What if you don,t locate your centre before the exam starts?
The only possible solution for this is just to be in the state/local/town/village where your centre is located a day before the examination date.It will help you a lot because if you fail to meet it automatically it will collaborate the reason NO 6:
9: Jamb Paper type:
Many students choose to change their Jamb paper during the examination. Let say your Jamb use of English paper type is TYPE A. Some student will quickly get EXPO from their colleagues without checking the expo Type. Be careful.
10: Lack of Information:
Information is power. Learn how to follow educational website like ours and other for latest updates and advice about your career. We serves as a guide to all Nigeria students, We are here to help. Always feel free to contact us for any question regarding your academics, but sometimes we normally do not reply some students without a tangible question or Query.
Thank you so much for taking your time reading 10 Reason why Nigerian students fail Jamb examination.