As a student, you can actually make money online. All you need is just your phone or laptop, internet data, and your creativity. In case you don’t know, there are many students who are already making money while in school just with their phones and laptops. So you do not need to graduate first before you can start making money.
The good thing about making money online is that it won’t really affect your studies the same way a physical business or job would.
So don’t use your phone and laptop only to banter and follow social media trends while some of your mates are using theirs to cash out.
As a student, below are ways you can make money online just with your phone or laptop.
Write And Publish An Ebook
With Amazon Kindle Publishing, anyone can publish an eBook and make money. All you need to do is to write the book and upload on Amazon and earn 70% of every sale the book makes. With Amazon kindle publishing, your market is not limited to only the people in your country. The beautiful thing about this is that you can sell your book to anyone no matter where the person is in the world. You can check this link: https://selfpublishing.com/kdp/ to read more on Amazon kindle publishing and get a broader idea of what works and how to proceed.
If your e-book is specifically for the consumption of Nigerians, then you can upload it on indigenous e-book websites like Okadabooks and still earn a good percentage after every sale.
These days you can sell your skill to anyone no matter where they are in the world and get paid. Fortunately, there are websites created specifically for this purpose. One of the most popular ones is https://www.fiverr.com/ all you need to do is to create an eye-catching profile on the website with detailed info on what skill you can offer.
You can also search for organizations or individuals that need your services via social media, show them a sample of what you can do and you never can tell how far you can go from there.
Skills that are in demand include writing for companies and individuals, Editing articles, academic papers, Designing websites, Designing logos, Video editing, Social media marketing, web and app development, SEO services etc
Do you have a passion, a hobby, idea, or something you would like to passionately talk about and share information concerning it? If yes, then why don’t you start a blog and share your knowledge? Many students make good money from blogging all over the world. If you want to give this a shot, check google for basic information on blogging so you have a better understanding of how it works. Then get a domain name that relates to the topic you want to blog about, register the domain name and proceed to host it with any of the hosting service providers and start promoting your blog.
Once your blog starts getting a good amount of traffic (readers), you can use a number of ways to monetize your blog using the different monetizing options available. The most popular among them is Google Adsense.
Sell online
You do not necessarily need a website to sell stuff online these days. Social media has made buying and selling easier than what it used to be. You do not have to even stock up products before you can sell online. This means that you do not equally need start-up capital.
With that said, have you heard about Jumia Sales Consultant or JForce. Jumia is a popular e-commerce website. You can act as one of the agents. This is how it works;
- Advertise nice and cheap products on Jumia,
- Once people show intense, convince and help them place the order
- The goods will be shipped to you and you deliver to them
You earn a commission for any item sold order through you. If you are interested, read more about Jumia Sales consultant
Another way to sell online as a student is through drop-shipping. Drop-shipping is one of the latest trends when it comes to making money online.
Drop-shipping is a whereby you do not have a product in stock but advertises the product. Once anyone shows interested in purchasing the product or pays for the product, you now purchase the item or product from a third party and have it shipped directly to the customer.
What this means is you do not necessarily need to have a product before you can sell it. For this to be lucrative, you need to find out products that people are in need of or that are trending and also finds out where you can get it at a cheaper price and easily delivered to your customers.
Making money online is actually possible even as a student. That way, you won’t need to depend on your parents/guardians for everything because you can pay some of your bills, save and achieve any other financial goal.