Educationist Advises Against Negative Use Of Internet

Educationist Advises Against Negative Use Of Internet

The Principal, Wellspring College, Lagos, Mrs. Oluwayemisi Oloriade, has advised its graduating pupils to shun negative use of the Internet and immoral relationships with the opposite sex.

These two vices, she said, were dream killers that they should never toy with if they hoped to succeed in life and particularly in their search for academic advancement.

She said, “Determination to succeed should be your watchword. You should be diligent, and must not allow the negative use of Internet and immoral relationships with the opposite sex to override your purpose of going into the university. You must have the fear of God in you too.”

Oloriade, who added that she was convinced that the pupils would do well in any higher institution they found themselves, noted that the school had equipped them academically, socially and spiritually.

She told guests at the event, “You could see from the performance in both their academics and social events, we allow the pupils to express themselves. Education has three basic components -Cognitive, affective and the psychomotor; all must be developed in each pupil, to make him or her a rounded character. That is what we have helped them to discover.

“Though we will miss them, we cannot stop them from going, the parting is meaningful as they are moving to another height in their educational pursuits.”

The chairman of the graduation, Mr. Kola Omojola, stressed that training of the pupils was a joint effort of the parents, teachers and the school.

He advised the graduating pupils not to stop asking questions, because as adolescents, there would always be things that agitate their minds.

He said, “This is the age where they need to ask a lot of questions, either from their teachers or their parents. Their parents must be ready to guide them, so that they don’t go astray. It is very important.

“Parents are like project managers. They bear the responsibility of putting their children on the right path. If they fail, they will definitely give account of their stewardship over their children to God.”

Omojola told them to put in their best in everything they do, and then leave the rest for God to perfect.

The graduation witnessed traditional performances like songs and dances, which drew parents and teachers to the dancing floor.

Deserving pupils were also given various prizes.

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