UNN update on postgraduate screening examination

UNN update on postgraduate screening examination

Kindly note that the date for the online screening examination will be on Thursday and Friday 2nd and 3rd of September 2021 as communicated earlier. Candidates are to follow the below Procedures for a successful Screening;

The link for the online screening examination is


Allotted time period: 9 am to 4 pm.

Any student who did not write the last screening examination can be a part of this.

Check the UNN website and your email address regularly for further information.

You are NOT EXPECTED to come to UNN to write the examination. You can write from any location.

To Participate in the online screening examination

  1. Visit the link https://onlinecbt.teneceschoolsupport.com
  2. Click on the link that takes you to the examination login page.
  3. Enter your application number correctly (Use “/” and not “\” and also “–” and not “_”)
  4. Your application number is BOTH your username and password in capital letters. Log in to the platform with your application number EXACTLY as provided (e.g UNN/PG/2020-21/00000).
  5. To authenticate your login, you will be required to fill in your email address EXACTLY AS YOU FILLED IT on your application form.
  6. Start your exam.

If your time runs out before you submit, the system automatically submits for you.

The following are required to take the exams:

  1. A functional computer system with webcam enabled OR a camera-enabled laptop
  2. Steady internet connection.
  3. A well-lit and quiet room. Ensure your face is steady facing the webcam THROUGHOUT the examination.


Acting Dean, PG School.

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