UNN School of Postgraduate Studies orientation exercise, 2019/2020

UNN School of Postgraduate Studies orientation exercise, 2019/2020

This is to bring to the notice of all fresh postgraduate students admitted in the 2019/2020 academic session that the School of Postgraduate Studies is organizing an orientation programme for all fresh postgraduate students admitted in the 2019/2020 academic session into departments in both Nsukka and Enugu Campuses of the University.

This is in line with the vision of the current University Administration to reposition the postgraduate programmes for global competitiveness through timeliness, excellence and ethical conduct. The orientation programme is a proactive enlightenment effort to acquaint the students with necessary procedures and regulations and motivate them onto high level performances that will minimize cases of delayed graduation, failures and other mistakes that could arise from ignorance.


Day 1:      Monday 30th August 2021 – Orientation at Departments and Faculties

At the Department

9.00am –   9.05am       :           Opening Prayer

9.05am –   9.25am       :           Address by the Head of Department

9.25am –   9.40am       :           Address by the Departmental Postgraduate Coordinator

9.40am –   10.00am     :           Address by a Senior Academic in the Department

10.00am – 10.20am     :           Questions/Answers/Responses from the Students

10.20am – 10.25am     :           Closing Prayer

10.25am – 11.30am     :           Tour of the Departmental Teaching/Research Facilities

At the Faculty

2.00pm – 2.05pm        :           Opening Prayer

2.05pm – 2.20pm        :           Address by the Dean of Faculty

2.20pm – 2.45pm        :           Address by the Faculty Rep. in SPGS Board

2.45pm–3.00pm          :          Address by the Immediate past Dean or another                                                 Senior Academic in the Faculty

3.00pm – 3.20pm          :         Questions/Answers/Responses from the Students

3.20pm – 3.25pm          :         Closing Prayer

3.25pm – 4.00pm          :         Tour of Faculty Research Facilities/Library

Day 2:       –  Tuesday 31st August 2021 – Online General Orientation for 2019/2020 Postgraduate Students

10.00am – 10.05am      :           Opening Prayer

10.05am – 10.20am      :           Address by the Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies

10.20am– 10.40am       :           Address by the Vice Chancellor and declaration of the orientation programme open

10.40am – 11.00am     :           Address by the School Secretary/Deputy Registrar: “Issues on the revised postgraduate regulations and timetable”

11.00am–12.00pm        :           Keynote address by Prof. Ike Ernest Onyishi: “Leveraging international best practices for postgraduate study and research in the University of Nigeria”

12.00am–12.20am        :            Hands-on training on UNN E-learning platform navigation guide by Engr. Chisom Aneke (Ksmart Solutions International)

12.20pm–12.40pm        :            Talk by the DVC (Academic): “Global impact through postgraduate study and research”

12.40pm – 01.00pm    :             Talk by the University Librarian: “Optimal use of library resourcesn modern research”

01.00pm – 01.20pm   :               Talk by the Director, ICT: “ICT tools available on campus for                                                     postgraduate study and research”

01.20pm – 01.40pm  :                Talk by Dean, Student Affairs: “The role of Student Affairs                                                     Department in postgraduate student welfare: challenges and progresses

01.40pm – 02.00pm   :               Speech by PG Hall Governor (Nsukka Campus): “The place of                                                     discipline and character in living and relating with fellow postgraduate students

02.00pm – 02.20pm      :             Questions/Reactions from the Students

02.20pm – 02.25pm      :             Closing Prayer

Link for online registration: https://forms.gle/ngMjYafPV2zzz5wS7

Join via Zoom: https://bit.ly/UNNPGORIENTATION

Meeting ID: 934 63464275823

Passcode: unnpg



Professor R. C.  Ezeokonkwo

Ag. Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies

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