I strongly believe that lying in every individual are diverse ideas on how to becoming great. What made those great personalities we have today what they are was the ideas they had. A man without ideas or foresight of the future is not worthy of existence because the essence of being alive now is to build a good and better tomorrow .
We all desire to be great in life,we all have visions,goals and aims but the truth of the matter is that we personally tie them down ourselves in most cases. There is no reason why you shouldn't make it up there. There are lots of inventions,businesses,talents that the world is waiting for which you know.
I am certain that as you are reading this article,there are some ideas you have in you that if you put into it,you will be heading for a strong success and librating your present world but one thing you need to know is that your ideas,vision,aims and goals create the road to your success but can never take you there.
It is high time you untie your goals by acting towards them. As far as you decide not to act on your ideas or goals,they are as good as extinct and can not make any difference. What do you think of someone who often says " I want to own a farm,that's the highest selling business now where I can make over 200k per month. All I need to do is get a land area and some other things." But yet never acts on it. The idea is great but since he just keeps saying it and does nothing about it,he is never going to get a positive result.
The greatest problem we have is fear and its very sad that we just get unnecessarily scared of something we have not encountered. When you are afraid of bringing out the idea you have within you, somebody else might get the idea and make exploit with it leaving you blank and speechless.
The fact that I can't make it through a particular situation does not mean you can't. You should never set your limit with the limitations of others. Sometimes you might be willing to take action but the situation around you might be making things impossible but you giving up can render your whole effort futile. For you to invent the uncommon,you must be ready to do the uncommon. You must be ready to proceed when others are taking a turn.
You must make up you mind today to unleash that great idea in you. Something in the world needs to be simplified,somethings needs to be brought into being and you already got them in you so make the move NOW.
Source : www.kayodesblog.in
Written By :
Kayode Oluwatobiloba Emmanuel