A long-term goal points to the future. It is about something you want to accomplish that requires a significant amount of time which could be years. Your long-term goals are the ones with profound or significant impact on your future.
Without such goals we may drift or wander through life without making it count in any way.
They make it possible for you to focus your strength and resources towards making the most of your life. It can be said that goal-setting is a driver of success.
We all need to take time to seriously think about what we actually want from life and set-goals in that direction. You can hardly reach a destination when you don’t know how to get there. Goals are therefore blueprints to a desired future.
Here are strategies for achieving your long-term goals;
Be Clear on what You Want
Goals should not be vague; whether long-term or short-term goals. They should rather be S.M.A.R.T. This way it will be easier to know what things are mostly required to achieve them.
It would equally be easier to break your long-term goal into short-term-goals or tasks. Whether the goal is about your income or relationship, whatever it is, you need to be play....click here to continue reading