The human mind has unlimited potentials. Mind power is the second strongest power next to the spirit. We can change the quality of our lives by harnessing the power of the mind. However, for us to harness the full potential of our minds there must be deliberate effort to develop it.
How well we are able to develop our minds determines how it will work for us. Developing the mind takes effort. It demands a certain level of discipline; which is the reason many have been unable to utilize the full potential of their minds.
For you to develop your mind and unleash its full potential, you have to;
(1) Increase Your Knowledge Base: It is the quality of the knowledge you possess that determines the quality of your thoughts. There is hardly any thing you want to know that is not enclosed in a book.
The quality of the books you read has the capacity to train and transform your mind. Many especially the young ones spend more of their time on TV programs with little or no intellectual content. Reading exercises our mental skills...click here to continue reading