The commencement of the 2017/2018 Sandwich Programme of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka (UNIZIK) for the second contact shall be on the 21st of July, 2018. Information on Resumption of students is therefore stated as follows:
1. Sandwich students to return on the Saturday 21st of July, 2018 and lodge at Amaenyi Girls Secondary School Awka for their lectures at Amaenyi Girls.
2. Lectures to start on Monday, 23rd July, 2018.
3. HODs, Lecturers and Co-ordinators to receive students and start Lectures without delay from Monday, 23rd of July at Amaenyi Girls Secondary School, Awka.
4. New students to round-off registration process and resume lectures.
5. All students to pay their school fees before examination.
6. Orientation to take place on Friday, August 24th 2018 at the University Auditorium.
7. Examination starts on Monday August 27th at the campus and end on Saturday Sept., 15th 2018.
8. Students to vacate Amaenyi Girls on 8th of September 2018.
9. Students to vacate the campus on Sunday, September 16th, 2018.