Mari Paul Dirkwa, A final year student of Business Education at the University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID) was recently arrested in Maiduguri for car stealing.
The 29-year –old suspect according to the Borno Police Commissioner, Mr. Clement Adoda, was arrested on the 28th of September following a tip off.
Mari who was said to have stolen 6 cars was caught while trying to steal another car.
In his confession Mari, said he was pushed by greed.
“It was selfishness and greed. Each time I stole a car and sold it, I got a lot of money and I felt like stealing another car again,"
"It is greed and I regret my action.
"I promise I won't do it again when I get off this case,” he said in a sober tone, asking his family for forgiveness." he said.