UNICAL Lecturer Shot by Unknown Gunmen has Been Prononced Dead

UNICAL Lecturer Shot by Unknown Gunmen has Been Prononced Dead

Dr. Godwin Iwatt, a lecture at the University of Calabar in his office who was reported on our news session to have been shot by some gunmen suspected to be students of the institution has been pronounced dead following the injuries he sustained in the attack.

Before the attack, Iwatt was said to have received several threat messages from unidentified persons and has been attacked twice one of the attacks happened the night before he was shot.

What remains unexplainable is: why would he keep information about the threat messages a secret.

The institution’s Information Officer, Mr Effioing Eyo
while commenting said, “The problem we have at the moment is that we have not yet ascertained who the assailants are. We learnt that the assailants did not only threaten the late Dr Iwatt, they also threatened another lecturer, Dr. Maurice Ekpenyong, in the same department. It is disheartening that a lecturer has been sacrificed so brutally in the course of carrying out his duty. The murdered lecturer was only abiding by the school’s rules and regulations.”

The management however, has vowed to apprehend the unknown assailants.

Dr. Godwin Iwatt before his death lectured on Virology and Microbial Ecology in the department of Microbiology and was recently appointed the university’s Examination Officer.

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