UEA-Copenhagen joint PhD Scholarship 2020

UEA-Copenhagen joint PhD Scholarship 2020

UEACopenhagen Joint PhD Scholarship

The Centre of African Studies at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) and the School of International Development at UEA offer one 3-year PhD Postgraduate Research Studentship researching religion and social change in Africa, starting October 2020 if feasible, or February 2021.

Applications are invited for original empirical research projects, including significant fieldwork, focusing on religion and social change. Topics including the role of religious actors and practices, new religious movements, faith-based organisations, Christian, Islamic and African indigenous religions, non-religious movements with possible links to themes like local politics, public discourse, media, globalisation, citizenship, governance, education, agriculture, and livelihoods are encouraged.

The successful candidate will be offered a Cotutelle arrangement co-supervised by staff at the Centre of African Studies and the School of International Development. Study time will be divided between the two universities, starting at UEA. Candidates will be enrolled at both institutions with respective opportunities and requirements. Successful completion will result in both institutions awarding PhD degrees.

UEA-Copenhagen Joint PhD Scholarship Eligibility.

  • Applicants should have a background in the fields of African Studies, Anthropology, Political Science, Development Studies or a closely related discipline.
  • The standard minimum entry requirement is 2:1. Applicants should hold a good Master’s degree in a relevant discipline.
  • Applicants must have excellent academic qualifications and a background in African studies, anthropology, political science, development studies or a closely related discipline.
  • Evidence of competence in English may be required. Relevant work experience may also be considered.

UEA-Copenhagen Joint PhD Scholarship Funding.

  • This co-financed award offers a combination of UEA studentship and PhD stipend at UCPH. During the first two years the student will receive a UEA studentship covering tuition fees, a tax-free maintenance grant (£15,285pa 20/21), and a research training support grant (£750 per year), paid through UEA.
  • During the last year, a 12-months’ taxable salary (~330,000 DKK per year) is paid through UCPH.

How to Apply for UEA-Copenhagen Joint PhD Scholarship.

Applications close August 31, 2020 (23:59 UK Time). Late applications cannot be considered. For further information, please contact Dr Karen Lauterbach via kjl@teol.ku.dk, or Professor Pieter Serneels via p.serneels@uea.ac.uk.

Apply Here Official Link

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