Change is something that is inevitable in any human society. People learn characters and ways of life and certainly they can un-learn it.
In this article, the kind of change we are talking about is strictly positive change. If you will make a change anywhere you find yourself, it will start from you.
I am certain that most of us might have been trying to effect change in one way or the other where we are but its seeming impossible and even getting worse, the question is
Are you actually portraying the change you want to effect ?
If you will make a change anywhere you are, you must take the lead. It is not possible to make people do as you say and not as you do.
It is impossible to give what you don't have. You must be able to bring to the table a vivid example that people will see before they can key into it.
Below are important things to put into play if you must effect change anywhere you find yourself.
1. Identify The Source Of The Situation :-
Before you can effect change anywhere, you need to identify the source or the aider of the character or way of life you want to change.
There is need to firstly attack the root if you must completely take out a useless tree. If you cut from the middle, it might grow again but when you detach the root then it will be out completely.
2. Be formal :-
One thing you need to know about people today is that when you become jovial with them, they take you for granted that by the time you will be serious,they won't be.
You must be principled and have a good charisma. When you are able to command solid respect, then you can push things to them.
There is no way a mediocre can just come and say something and expect people to follow, now. It is never done.
3. Take The Lead :-
If you must effect change anywhere, you must take the lead. If you are going to stop people from wearing bad outfits, it must never be found on you.
The mistake most people often make is that they try to change peoples character but they themselves are in no way better than who they want to change.
Human beings are the most difficult creations on earth when it comes to.....click here to continue reading