Mathematics is one of the most difficult subjects for UTME candidates. Often times, JAMB candidates shy away from this subject due to its complexity and rigorous calculations. Some students have gone as far as changing their course to other non-science related courses that do not require Maths as a requirement for admission.
Candidates sitting for the Unified Tertiary Matriculations Examination (UTME) often fail this subject because they lack adequate preparation. The best and simplest method of passing Mathematics in your UTME is studying hard and most importantly, knowing the compulsory questions that UTME examiners test students on every year, which is why we have listed the top 20 most compulsory UTME topics in Mathematics for you to test yourself on before attempting the exam.
The importance of Mathematics as a requirement for admission into various higher institution cannot be over emphasized. In higher institutions, candidates seeking to study Engineering and other management courses require that you pass Mathematics. However, there are some courses offered in higher institutions that do not require Maths or a Credit pass as a requirement for applying though they are just a few.
Passing Mathematics in UTME is very simple so long as you are prepared for the questions ahead. Getting prepared as a result of being aware of the most likely Mathematics questions in UTME makes it even easier to pass.
The most likely topics listed below are compulsory topics in Objective (Obj). To further break it down, I highlighted the most common topics under objective for ease of understanding. Knowing the most compulsory topics in Maths for UTME is not enough as adequate preparedness is key to passing Mathematics in your UTME that is why you are advised to get past questions and answer papers and test yourself on the under-listed topics below to ascertain your strengths and weaknesses.
UTME examiners are very smart, they know it is very possible to attempt all questions adequately with the allotted time so they present you with time wasters that carries equal marks with other simpler and direct ones. In this case, you are advised to skip them and come back to re attempt after you are done with the much simpler and straightforward questions. However, strengths and weaknesses differ so if you know you are very good at word problems, you could go ahead with it when tested with one.
Much has been said not just about the compulsory topics in Maths UTME for 2024 but how to attempt them and which question must be given priority in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination. Now I will be listing the 20 most common UTME topics in Mathematics you will definitely come across in your UTME. These topics when mastered MUST guarantee you a distinction in Maths in JAMB or any examination in Nigeria or abroad.
Top 20 Most Compulsory Topics in Mathematics JAMB UTME
- Probability (Objective questions)
- Statistics
- Circle Theorem
- Logarithm (Theory questions)
- Quadratic equation
- Mensuration (Plane shapes and solid shapes)
- Fraction/Evaluation
- Polygons (Interior and exterior angles)
- Angles (Reflex, Obtuse and Acute Angles)
- Sets
- Indices
- Binary Operations
- Pie Charts
- Trigonometry
- Bearing
- Arithmetic and Geometric Progression
- Graphs
- Word problems
- Standard form
- Vehn Diagram
Please take the above topics very seriously. If you are willing and determined to pass Mathematics in UTME, your mastery of the 20 compulsory topics with the approved UTME text book for senior secondary school and attempts on various past questions would do you a lot of positives in passing this subject.
Do you have any questions as regards the above? Please reach out to us via the comment section below and we shall respond immediately. Note that the most likely JAMB topics for Mathematics examination listed above does not mean you should avoid other topics. It is as a result of its cumbersomeness that I thought it necessary to list the exact topics that must come out this 2024 after thorough research.