It's no longer news that the 2019 JAMB Mock Exam has been scheduled for 23rd March. The JAMB Mock Exam is not for everyone, in fact, the results from the mock exam will not affect the final UTME scores in anyway. The mock exam simply helps JAMB to get prepared, and ensure all systems required for the main exam are working efficiently. The fraction of candidates selected to write the JAMB Mock are those, who indicated interest to write the exam during the early registration period in January. The Mock Exam will give the few students who would write it, the opportunity to experience the feeling of the Main JAMB UTME.
If you're not writing the actual 2019 Mock Exam, please don't be scared in anyway. All you have to do is to ensure you monitor the entire JAMB Mock Exam Process on 23rd March. SchoolGist will create the monitoring thread for you on that day, so you can know what's happening in all Mock Exam Centres Nationwide, and help you share challenges and experiences with other candidates on that day. With this, you too can stay at home, and write your own mock exam using the SchoolGist JAMB CBT Mobile App and/or the JAMB CBT Computer Software.
The SchoolGist JAMB CBT Mobile App and/or the JAMB CBT Computer Software gives you almost the same CBT Experience for both the JAMB Mock Exam and the Main Exam, so ensure you get your copy, and keep studying until the exam day. It's absolutely not late for you to get them now.
Those who applied to write the Mock exam, and are yet to print their Mock Exam Slip, can check again and again, from time to time, as JAMB may be updating the list of eligible candidates on their website, on a daily basis. For instructions on how to reprint the Mock Exam Slip, please click here