One great irony about life is that it leave's us with choices virtually in everything we do. The choices you make now is a great determinant of what will happen later in future. Where a wrong choice is made,a wrong result is inevitable.
Among the choices we often make are the choices of association,choices of relationship,choices in academic/future pursuit etc but one thing that is needful in making these choices is the consideration of the end result.
May I put to you that there is nothing with a beginning that has no end. So,when the wrong choice is made,you will have yourself to blame for the end result.
This is why you have to take charge of your life,the greatest decisions in life are never easy and that is why patience is needed in choice making.
In making choices,you need to know which will favour you more between or among the options you have.
*Never make choices out of pressure.
* Never make choices when you are sad or in a bad state of mind.
* Never make choices when you are in a joyous mood(extremely happy.)
Good choices are better made when you are in a neutral state of mind, because then, you will be able to take close look and consideration on the options before you.
Written By : Kayode Oluwatobiloba Emmanuel