Nigeria screamed out in January 2012 when the federal government declared the removal of fuel subsidy. Immediately after the declaration, Nigeria labor congress declared strike to avoid the paining action of the federal government; the masses as well troop out in body to protest and say their grievance about the policy and want it reverse. All attempt made during the period to curb the order was abortive.
The masses fail to return to work until a meeting was schedule to hold in Abuja, the meeting who involve Mr. President, governors, senators and other noble and iconic in the state. After a lot of emphasize , Mr. president order fuel to be sold at the rate of ninety-seven naira per liter the highest price in the history of this great country which is blessed with oils. Mr. president promised Nigerians that a lot of development and progress will be achieve after six month of the policy if we all agree to his order, the poor was gullible masses who have no choice than to concur to the notion of development.
The policy was finally put into order and people return to work to face the challenges of the policy. The removal of fuel subsidy increase the masses burden and pains, the policy increase house rent, school fees, price of goods and services in fact along with water which is natural gift from God, Everything in the country become extort and expensive and yet no increment in salary and wages.
The appalling aspect is that after some few months of the policy, when a lot of money had been generated, so many cases of subsidy scandal begin to arise and billion of money was embezzle by our heartless leaders who camouflage us to remove subsidy. Each sector in government level begin to live at the expense of the masses, ‘’the rich continue to be richer while the poor become poorer’’ . Nigerians begins to live harder life after the removal of fuel subsidy.
It is sardonic, that a country with enormous oil and other mineral resources could suffer scarcity and high cost of fuel. Before the removal of fuel subsidy, the president beat his chest to confirm it that the policy will bring huge and tremendous development creating jobs and other amenities, after six month being schedule by the president was abortive. He declares by himself that his administrative is the worsted and promise better government in 2013. Our government promise us each time after their failure.
It is dismay that our leaders are wise and full of knowledge when it comes to issues of money laundering, they find everything possible in convincing us but they are foolish in nature in running the affair of the nation. Mr. President is wise enough to see the positive of the removal of fuel subsidy will bring but he is folly not know the negative the policy will bring. Farouk lawan was part of those who took fuel subsidy money to become elephant and live in mansion. The only good Mr. president could analyze on fuel subsidy is that Nigeria settle his debt just to take another, what a pity?.
This day’s extortion has become order of the day. The masses extort themselves to lives at large, our power sector bring crazy bills and seize to bring light, school fees in private sector has become double, house rent in Lagos every other state have become ‘’gold’’. High cost of living everywhere, the masses groan everyday on removal of fuel subsidy and yet no solution, the country keep exacerbating and aggravating.
To stop beating the dead the house, Mr. President Need to reverse is order and bring fuel subsidy into existence to bring back peace and decline in high cost of living. The removal of fuel subsidy is not the way out or is it my dear elite? Capital No! It is lucid that the removal of fuel subsidy had bring more corruption and mismanagement, those appointed to look into the sector see it as an opportunity of making money.
In a nutshell, this country is so blessed that without removing fuel subsidy or privatization we could move further but the problem is corruption. Corruption had eaten deep into the fabric of our government level, our leaders never believe in law, because they are law maker. Despite their huge success and allowance they are not still satisfied; they pack our money into their pocket. Corruption had been the major factor killing this country, Nigeria will still remain the same because there is total anarchy and high corruption, people are always afraid of establishing companies in the belief of people eating their sources and proclaiming man reap where they sow until the business become insolvent or collapse.
Before we hammer on anything, let hammer on corruption and fight it rather than preaching without practicing it.
Yours faithfully
Iyiola Oluwatosin D.