TASUED SUG urges students to remain calm over proposed increment in school fees on the portal

TASUED SUG urges students to remain calm over proposed increment in school fees on the portal

The attention of the SUG Body has been drawn to the university's decision to increase the school fees on the portal. As the Student Union, it is our duty to advocate for the best interest of the student body. We firmly believe that this fee increment is unjust and places unnecessary burdens on the students.

Education is a right, and should be accessible to all. We want to assure you that we are actively working to address the issue. We will engage in communication with the university administration to express our concerns and negotiate a fair ans affordable education.

In the meantime, we encourage each and every one of you to stand together and say NO to this fee increment. We must unite as a strong and collective voice to make our concerns heard. Remember, change happens when we come together and take action. Together we can make a difference.

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