There has been various controversies and questioning on this topic about night reading and its effects.
Some say it is only at night that they can read and understand because every where will be cool and silent.
I want you to put this in your mind that your night has been scheduled to rest and rekindle your system for the next days job.
Scientific research shows that we sleep at night simply because of the disappearance of the sun. When the sun goes down,
• Your body temperature reduces a bit,
• Your brain waves also reduce,
• Also,an hormone called melatonin is released by the brain which make the eyes heavy and automatically close by itself.
When we sleep well, we wake up feeling refreshed and alert for our daily activities. Sleep affects how we look, feel and perform on a daily basis, and can have a major impact on our overall quality of life.
If sleep is cut short, the body doesn’t
have time to complete all of the phases needed for muscle repair, memory consolidation and release of hormones regulating growth and appetite.
As you go about your daily activities, your brain is exposed to thousands of stimuli — auditory, visual, neurosensory. And it can't possibly process all that information as it comes in. A lot of the tagging and archiving of memories occurs at night while you're sleeping. It's a bit like what goes on in a library.
All the books dropped off in the book repository during the day are dusted off and cataloged at night. People who think they've adapted well to sleeping just four or five hours a night are often wrong; memory tests show they are not functioning optimally.
I you say there is no time to read during the day or there are no quiet places for you to read during the day,that will definitely be a lie because you can never find time except you create it.
Most times, the best period to read is immediately after learning it because then,the words heard while it is been explained are still fresh in the brain, so complementing it with reading at that instance gets you to store over 80% of it.
Scientifically,..... click here to continue reading