By now, it is expected that all the 2019 UTME candidates must have printed their JAMB exam slip and now know their specific exam date, time and venue. However, If you are yet to print yours or haven't known your exam centre, date and time, check it on this thread: JAMB 2019 UTME Slip Printing Begins
For those who have printed theirs, here is a platform for you to connect with other candidates who will be taking the exam at the same centre as you.
You are required to simply post the following in the comment section;
1. State
2. Exam Centre
3. Exam Date
4. Exam Time
5. Subjects you intend to take
Remember we advised in an earlier thread that candidates should visit the location of their test centres prior to the test day if possible as this will help prevent panicking and stress on the exam day. If you are not sure of how to locate your exam centre, this thread is equally an opportunity to get the direction from other candidates who may know.
While you are at it, don't forget that revision is an important aspect of exam preparation. Get the JAMB CBT Mobile App and the JAMB CBT Computer Software if you have not done so already. They are great revision tools for JAMB CBT exam. If you study at least 3 Full CBT Exams every day till the exam day, you would have covered over 15 years of questions. It's really for your own good.
Now, let's get started!