The attention of the Rivers State Ministry of Education has been drawn to reports alleging that the Ministry is charging fees for the issuance of the First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) The Ministry states as follows:
1) That for years new First School Leaving Certificates were not and are not obtainable from the Rivers State Ministry of Education.
2) That the Ministry of Education does not authorise any officer to issue First School Leaving Certificate, with or without fees.
3) That anyone collecting fees in the name of the Rivers State Ministry of Education for the issuance of First School Leaving Certificate is acting fraudulently.
4) The Ministry of Education will be happy to receive concrete information from undercover journalists or other informants, leading to the apprehension of fraudulent and corrupt officers.
5) Members of the public should Please contact this number 07030967868 via SMS or WhatsApp to report any incident of demand of fee, with the name and room number of the officer attached.
Mrs Sokari Davies
For: Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education, R/S