All Public/Private Primary and Secondary Schools in the State will resume for Third Term on Monday 25th April, 2022. Consequently, Parents and Guardians are advised to make sure that their children and wards return to school on the resumption date, while providing them with required educational materials to make learning possible as academic activities will immediately begin in earnest.
Heads of schools are expected to have resumed at least 3 working days to resumption date, for a pre-resumption meeting with their staff to further prepare for the success of the term, as directed by the State Government.
Management of schools and teachers are hereby implored to be diligent in discharging their duties and to complete their scheduled curriculum for the term. Government will not condone lateness on the part of teachers and loitering around the streets or school premises by students will not be tolerated.
The Ministry of Education and the Education Management Committee on behalf of the State Government, wishes all pupils, students and teachers a fruitful and successful academic session.