We would like the candidates that participated in the exam today, March 20th, 2020 to share the questions that were set today, so others yet to take the exam can revise with them; as the questions can now be termed "Past Questions".
2020 UTME Candidates yet to take the exam are advised not to start cramming the questions with the hope that it will re-surface in their own exams. It is just for you to have an idea of what to expect.
READ ALSO: JAMB 2020 UTME 20th March - Live Updates!
Now, for candidates that participated in the exam today, if you remember any questions you may want to share, maybe because you would like to find out the correct answer to the question and put your mind at rest, please share here.
If you are having doubts about a particular question and the correct answer or if you just want to help others to better prepare, please feel free to share the questions here also.
Please note, this thread is specifically to share actual questions that were asked today March 20th in the ongoing 2020 UTME. Please don't start posting some fake questions and answers you copied somewhere on the internet, they will be deleted. Ensure the questions you post here are among the ones you encountered in the exam hall. We simply want to collectively learn.
Specify the subject and then drop as many questions as you can remember that was set in today's exam
If you can remember only 3 or 4 questions, that's enough too, we will appreciate.