This project work titled ASCORBIC ACID CONTENT OF ORANGE AND VEGETABLE (PUMPKIN) UNDER DIFFERENT STORAGE CONDITION has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Science Labouratory Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).
Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.
Format: MS WORD
| Chapters: 1-5
| Pages: 75
The ascorbic acid (vitamin C) of fruits (orange) and vegetable (pumpkin) was estimated after storage for three days under different temperature. The storage conditions were deep freezing temperature, domestic refrigeration temperature, storage in dark cupboard and open shelf both at room temperature and finally exposure to sunlight outdoors. The titrimetric method using 2,6-dichlorophenol idophenol was employed. The titres were obtained for each titration and the results averaged. Chloroform in very small amount was used to aid the observation of the titraphy interferes with the colour of the titration end point. The result show decrease in the ascorbic acid content of food stuffs over the storage period of three days. The decree were expressed as percentage loss of original fresh materials viz: refrigerated (domestic) sample (6-22%); Deep frozen (0.99-2.82%); Dark cupboard storage (12 – 26.66%); Room temperature (Open shelf) sunlight 16.69 – 23.35%); and finally outdoor sunlight exposed sample (19.09 – 29-33%).
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) appears to have been the first nutrient to be associated with major outbreak of disease Stewart et (2002). Even primitive tribes knew that person left without consumption of fresh food, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables for several months would become sick and ultimately die with the symptoms characteristics of scurvy. Although very unstable under most circumstance, Freed (1999) commercial production with high yield from glucose followed Burns et al (2000).
Apparently all form of life, both plant and animals with the possible exception of simple through such as bacteria that have not been studied through either synthesized the vitamin form other nutrient or require it as a nutrient. Dormant seed contain no measurable quantity of the vitamin is format.
Excepting synthetic supplies the almost universal requirement for fresh food as a sources of vitamin C is readily explained by the extreme sensitivity of vitamin to destruction by reaction with oxygen in the air. This tendency is generated by the presence of minutes quantities of enzyme that occur in most living tissue in which copper or iron is combined with protein to form a catalysts for the reaction of vitamin C with oxygen. Many other chemicals such as quinines or high tendency of salts of manganese, chromin and iodine can also oxidize the vitamin readily in aqueous solutions. Most of these reaction increased in proportion exposure to air and rising temperature. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Ascorbic acid on oxidation produced dehydroascorbic acid which is much less stable than ascorbic acid and tends to yield products such as oxalate threonic acid and carbon dioxide. When administered to animals or consumed in food dehydro-ascorbic acid has almost the same antiscorbutric activity as ascorbic acid. It can be quantitatively reduced to ascorbic acid. Encyclopedia Britannica (2000 – 2009).
In its biochemical function ascorbic acid clearly acts as regulator in tissue respiration and may serve as antioxidant in vitro by reducing oxidizing chemicals. Ascorbic acid also participate in a number of reaction systems such as glutathione system of oxidation and reducing and also there is a strong evidence that electron transfer reaction involving ascorbic acid are characteristics of animal systems.
Pauling etal (1995), championed the administration of mangadose (gram quantities rather than mg quantity as recommended by nutritionist) not just in treating scurvy but also against common cold and maintaining the good health necessary to avoid other illness as cold. Nutritionist to not support these claims advocating that in milligram quantities provides the body tissues with saturating levels of the vitamin as excessive amount of consumed vitamin C being water soluble are not maintained or stored in the body but are excreted.
To identify ascorbic acid content of orange and pumpkin under different storage condition.
To identify the percentage loss of ascorbic acid under different storage condition.
Many people are suffering from different kind of disease as a result of inadequate intake of ascorbic acid such problem include scurvy. This has prompted the lead to project work to be carried on the determination of ascorbic acid content of some natural fruit and vegetable such as orange and pumpkin and also to recommend people on the daily intake of orange and pumpkin.
The significance of this work is to study the effects of vitamin C supplement (250/day).
To study the impact of antioxidant suppimentation on aortic stenoisis, an age associated heart value disorder that have an inflammatory component.
The ascorbic acid (vitamin C) of fruits (orange) and vegetable (pumpkin) was estimated after storage for three days under different temperature. The storage conditions were deep freezing temperature, domestic refrigeration temperature, storage in dark cupboard and open shelf both at room temperature and finally exposure to sunlight outdoors. The titrimetric method using 2,6-dichlorophenol idophenol was employed. The titres were obtained for each titration and the results averaged. Chloroform in very small amount was used to aid the observation of the titraphy interferes with the colour of the titration end point. The result show decrease in the ascorbic acid content of food stuffs over the storage period of three days. The decree were expressed as percentage loss of original fresh materials viz: refrigerated (domestic) sample (6-22%); Deep frozen (0.99-2.82%); Dark cupboard storage (12 – 26.66%); Room temperature (Open shelf) sunlight 16.69 – 23.35%); and finally outdoor sunlight exposed sample (19.09 – 29-33%).
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) appears to have been the first nutrient to be associated with major outbreak of disease Stewart et (2002). Even primitive tribes knew that person left without consumption of fresh food, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables for several months would become sick and ultimately die with the symptoms characteristics of scurvy. Although very unstable under most circumstance, Freed (1999) commercial production with high yield from glucose followed Burns et al (2000).
Apparently all form of life, both plant and animals with the possible exception of simple through such as bacteria that have not been studied through either synthesized the vitamin form other nutrient or require it as a nutrient. Dormant seed contain no measurable quantity of the vitamin is format.
Excepting synthetic supplies the almost universal requirement for fresh food as a sources of vitamin C is readily explained by the extreme sensitivity of vitamin to destruction by reaction with oxygen in the air. This tendency is generated by the presence of minutes quantities of enzyme that occur in most living tissue in which copper or iron is combined with protein to form a catalysts for the reaction of vitamin C with oxygen. Many other chemicals such as quinines or high tendency of salts of manganese, chromin and iodine can also oxidize the vitamin readily in aqueous solutions. Most of these reaction increased in proportion exposure to air and rising temperature. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Ascorbic acid on oxidation produced dehydroascorbic acid which is much less stable than ascorbic acid and tends to yield products such as oxalate threonic acid and carbon dioxide. When administered to animals or consumed in food dehydro-ascorbic acid has almost the same antiscorbutric activity as ascorbic acid. It can be quantitatively reduced to ascorbic acid. Encyclopedia Britannica (2000 – 2009).
In its biochemical function ascorbic acid clearly acts as regulator in tissue respiration and may serve as antioxidant in vitro by reducing oxidizing chemicals. Ascorbic acid also participate in a number of reaction systems such as glutathione system of oxidation and reducing and also there is a strong evidence that electron transfer reaction involving ascorbic acid are characteristics of animal systems.
Pauling etal (1995), championed the administration of mangadose (gram quantities rather than mg quantity as recommended by nutritionist) not just in treating scurvy but also against common cold and maintaining the good health necessary to avoid other illness as cold. Nutritionist to not support these claims advocating that in milligram quantities provides the body tissues with saturating levels of the vitamin as excessive amount of consumed vitamin C being water soluble are not maintained or stored in the body but are excreted.
To identify ascorbic acid content of orange and pumpkin under different storage condition.
To identify the percentage loss of ascorbic acid under different storage condition.
Many people are suffering from different kind of disease as a result of inadequate intake of ascorbic acid such problem include scurvy. This has prompted the lead to project work to be carried on the determination of ascorbic acid content of some natural fruit and vegetable such as orange and pumpkin and also to recommend people on the daily intake of orange and pumpkin.
The significance of this work is to study the effects of vitamin C supplement (250/day).
To study the impact of antioxidant suppimentation on aortic stenoisis, an age associated heart value disorder that have an inflammatory component.
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