The International Max Planck Research School on Astrophysics at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich is offering about 25 PhD positions for research topics in various fields of astrophysics. PhD Positions are open for international students.
Positions are available in various fields of astrophysics-
Infrared-Astronomy (MPE),
High Energy Astrophysics (MPE),
Optical and Interpretative Astronomy (MPE),
Center for Astrochemical Studies (MPE),
Extragalactic Astronomy (USM),
Computational Astrophysics (USM),
Stellar Astrophysics – Expanding Atmospheres of Hot Stars (USM),
Computational Star and Planet Formation Group (USM),
Plasma-Astrophysics (USM),
Young Stars & Star Formation Group (USM),
Cosmology and Structure Formation (USM),
Extragalactic Astrophysics and Cosmology (MPA),
High Energy Astrophysics (MPA),
Supernovae (MPA),
Stellar Astrophysics (MPA),
from planets and star formation to stellar structure (ESO) and from ISM, stellar populations, and clusters of galaxies and cosmology(ESO).
Successful applicants with an MSc degree will receive a work contract of about EUR 1400 per month, (depending on family status) for a maximum period of three years if required.
Eligibility: In order to apply for scholarship, applicants must follow the given criteria:
- Applicants must have a Master in Physics or Astrophysics.
- Applicants holding a Bachelor degree have to apply to the Master of Astrophysics (or Master of Physics) Program at the LMU before they can be admitted to the IMPRS PhD program to obtain a Ph.D. (Dr. rer.nat.) from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (applications are encouraged even if the degree will not be obtained before November 15, 2015).
- Candidates whose native language is not English or German are required to provide a certificate documenting proficiency in English, for example TOEFL (IbT of at least 94 points) or IELTS (of at least 7 points) or equivalent.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is online. Applications will nonetheless be accepted until all positions are filled. A complete application must include the following documents:
- A fully filled-in online application form, including a list of all courses and credits
- Curriculum vitae as PDF file in the upload area of the application form
- Three letters of recommendation uploaded by your referees, for more information, follow the instructions in the online application form
- Copies of all academic certificates including High School Diploma, M.Sc., B.Sc., etc. as one PDF file in the uploaded area of the application form (originals must be presented if you are invited for an interview)
- Copy of M.Sc. thesis (with English abstract if the thesis is not written in English) or -preliminary master thesis abstract as PDF file in the upload area
- Proof of English Language ability when applicable (e.g. transcript of TOEFL / IELTS scores or equivalent; our TOEFL Institution and Department Code is 8223).
Application Deadline: Due date for application for the program starting on September 1st, 2017 is November 15, 2016
For More Details Visit Official Website