We Offer Standardised Degrees Acceptable Across the Globe - SMU Ghana

We Offer Standardised Degrees Acceptable Across the Globe - SMU Ghana

We Offer Standardised Degrees Acceptable Across the Globe – SMU Ghana:

The Managing Director of KnowledgeWorkz, the “authorised learning centre” for Sikkim Manipal University, India, in Ghana, Dr. Kapil Gupta, has said that the degrees obtained in the institution are acceptable across the globe.

The PUNCH, last December, reported that some Ghanaian tertiary institutions, including the SMU learning centre, where hundreds of Nigerians study, lack adequate facilities for learning.

The SMU management had kept sealed lips when our correspondent visited the school to seek clarification concerning its quality of education.

But in a recent letter to The PUNCH, Gupta explained that the learning centre “prides itself in providing the best facilities” for its students.

He added, “While it is possible that some of the private tertiary institutions in Ghana may have compromised entrance eligibility requirements, operate from a sub-standard facility or do not hire the highest quality of teaching staff, among other shortcuts, any attempt to malign one and all without a proper fact-check can only be understood as a misplaced propaganda of denouncing the private sector.

“Besides, the contention that private university colleges in Ghana are issuing ‘worthless’ certificates or qualifications cannot be applied across board.  Some bad exceptions cannot be ruled out, but the exception should never become the rule. Degree certificates issued by SMU India are internationally recognised and accepted worldwide.”

According to him, its mother university, SMU India, established in 1995, is a public-private partnership between the Sikkim State Government, India and the Manipal Group.

He stated that SMU Ghana College did not compromise on eligibility requirements, adding that the SMU India admitted candidates, considering “equivalencies on international basis.”

He, however, noted that many Nigerians were in the institution, perhaps because of its “moderate tuition fees.”

“The fee charged by SMU Ghana College is moderate and roughly half of what is charged by the public universities or other private colleges in the country. We do not discriminate between Ghanaians and foreigners (including Nigerians) when charging the fees.

“This enables many Nigerians to enrol with us without paying exorbitantly high fees charged by public universities, who are subsidised and supported by the government for Ghanaian students.

“The undergraduate degree programme offered by SMU in Ghana entails 120 credits and is comparable (if not higher) than the ones offered by any of the public universities. No shortcuts here,” he explained. (Punch)

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