On presentation of the result by NABTEB, OERL has now released the admission quota and cut-off marks required to get into the various scholarship slots in the 2013 Study in India programme as follows;
I. Full Scholarship:
Science = 70% - above
Social = 60% - above
Art = 65% - above
II. 2 years scholarship
Science = 60% - 69%
Social = 50% - 59%
Art = 55% - 64%
III. 1 year scholarship
Science = 45% - 59%
Social = 35% - 44%
Art = 45% - 54%
Following the performance in the result, a total of 220 slots have been made available for travel and admission in this programme as follows;
Full Scholarship - 18
2 year scholarship - 32
1 year scholarship - 45
Self-financing - 125
For the comprehensive details from OERL and full admission quota for each course as specified by the Institutions in India, please click here to read documentation.