The Bowen University, BU Post-UTME Admission screening 2017/2018 has been announced by the management of the university. Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission to BOWEN UNIVERSITY undergraduate degree programmes for the 2017/2018 academic session.
BU 2017/2018 Admission Requirements
(i) UTME
(a) All applicants are required to sit for the 2017 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME)
(b) Applicants are to complete the on-line application form by visiting Bowen University website at http://www.bowenuniversity.edu.ng
(c) All applicants are required to have credits at SSCE, GCE, NECO, NABTEB or approved equivalent in at least five (5) subjects, which must include English Language and four other subjects as may be specified
by each Faculty.
(d) The five credits should be obtained in not more than two sittings.
(e) For Medicine and Surgery (MB;BS), Nursing Science and Physiotherapy programmes, the five credits
(including Mathematics and English) must be obtained at only one sitting.
(f) Candidates awaiting results may apply.
(g) All applicants will be required to go through Bowen University Screening Exercise.
(h) Interested candidates who will apply to JAMB for admission and wish to change their choice to Bowen University are required to:
1. Apply for change of institution through JAMB
2. Complete the Bowen University On-line Application Form
3. Participate in the Bowen screening exercise.
All applicants for direct entry must satisfy any of the following:
(a) NCE at credit level, ND and approved equivalents with at least Lower Credit in relevant fields.
(b) At least two Advanced Level passes at acceptable grade level.
(c) The Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB),Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board (JUPEB) or Cambridge moderated School of Basic Studies at acceptable grade levels.
(d) In addition to NCE/ND/IJMB, JUPEB or two Advanced Level papers specified by each Faculty or programme, candidates must also satisfy the Ordinary Level requirements.
(e) HND holders may be admitted to 200 Level or 300 Level depending on the regulation guiding admission into each department / programme.
All direct entry candidates are required to apply through JAMB.
1. Degree Programmes
B.Sc. Anatomy (3 or 4 Year Programme)
B.Sc. Physiology (3 or 4 Year Programme)
Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) (5 or 6 Year Programme)
Bachelor of Nursing Science (4or 5Year Programme)
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (4 or 5Year Programme)
2. Admission Requirements
(i) O’ Level Subjects
Candidates must possess five O’ Level credits in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
For Medicine and Surgery, Nursing and Physiotherapy programmes, the five (5) O’Level credits (including Mathematics and English) must be obtained at one sitting.
(ii) UTME Subjects
English Language, Biology, Chemistry and Physics
(iii) Direct Entry
(a) Advanced Level GCE/Cambridge/IJMB/JUPEB at an acceptable grade level
(b) Candidates with B. Sc. Second Class Upper Division in a related discipline
can apply for the MB; BS programme.
(c) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ level requirements as stated in 2(i) above.
(d) For Nursing Science, candidates with RN/SRN plus five (5) O’ level credits including English Language and Mathematics can apply and are admitted to 300 level.
e) For Physiotherapy, candidates with a degree not less than 2nd Class Lower Division can apply.
(B) FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE (4 or 5 Year Programme)
1. Degree Programmes
(a) B. Agric.
(i) Agricultural Economics and Farm Management
(ii) Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
(iii) Animal Science and Fisheries Management
(iv) Crop Production and Environmental Management
(b) B. Forestry and Environmental Technology
(c) B.Sc. Food Science and Technology
(d) B. Sc. Nutrition and Dietetics (4or 3 Year Programme)
(e) B. Fisheries and Aquaculture
2. Admission Requirements
(i) O’ Level Subjects
Candidates must possess five O’ Level credits to include: English Language, Mathematics, Biology/Agricultural Science/ Fisheries/Animal Husbandry, Chemistry and one of Physics, Geography, Economics, Civic Education and Food and Nutrition.
Note: For Food Science and Technology and Nutrition and Dietetics, candidates must possess five O’ Level credits to include Mathematics, English, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
(ii) Direct Entry
(a) NCE/ND or approved equivalent in relevant programmes.
(b) At least two Advanced Level passes to include Chemistry and any one of the following: Biology/Botany, Zoology/Agricultural Science, Economics, Physics, Geography, Economics and Sociology
(c) IJMB, JUPEB at acceptable grade levels in relevant subjects
(d) HND holders from a recognized Polytechnic with a minimum of Lower Credit.
(e) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ level requirements as stated in 2(i) above.
(f) For Nutrition and Dietetics, candidates must possess:
NCE/ND or approved equivalent in Food and Nutrition or National Diploma in Agriculture or Nigerian Registered Nurse or approved equivalent in relevant fields.
(iii) UTME Subjects
English Language, Chemistry, Biology and Physics/Mathematics
(C) FACULTY OF EDUCATION (3 or 4 Year Programme)
Degree Programmes
(a) B.LIS. Bachelor of Library and Information Science
(b) B.Sc. (Ed.) Agricultural Science
(c) B.Sc. (Ed.) Biology
(d) B.Sc. (Ed.) Business Education
(e) B.Sc. (Ed.) Chemistry
(f) B.Sc. (Ed.) Computer Education
(g) B.Sc. (Ed.) Economics
(h) B. Ed. Educational Management
(i) B.A. (Ed.) English
(j) B.Sc. (Ed.) Home Economics
(k) B.Sc. (Ed.) Mathematics
(l) B.A. (Ed.) Music
(m) B.Sc. (Ed.) Physics
(n) B. A. (Ed.) Religious Studies
General Entry Requirements
(a) O’ Level Subjects
(i) All applicants are required to have credits in at least five (5) O’Level subjects at SSCE, GCE, NECO, or approved equivalent.
(ii) The five (5) credits must include English language, Mathematics and 3 other credits to meet specific departmental requirements. (iii) The five credits must be obtained at not more than two sittings.
(iv) Candidates awaiting results may also apply.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two Advanced Level Passes or equivalent in Literature and
one other Arts subject.
(ii) IJMB/JUPEB at acceptable grade levels.
(iii) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’Level requirements as stated in (aii) above.
(D) FACULTY OF HUMANITIES (3 or 4 Year Programme)
General Entry Requirements
(i) All applicants are required to have credits in at least five O’Level (5) subjects at SSCE, GCE, NECO, or approved equivalent.
(ii) The five (5) credits must include English language and other specific departmental requirements (iii) The five credits must be obtained at not more than two sittings.
(iv) Candidates awaiting results may also apply.
1. Department of English
(i) Degree Programme
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’ Level Subjects
The five O’Level credits to include English Language, Literature- in-English plus at least one other Arts subject.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two Advanced Level Passes or equivalent in Literature and
one other Arts subject.
(ii) IJMB/JUPEB at acceptable grade levels.
(iii) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’Level requirements as stated in (iia) above.
2. Department of History and International Studies
(i) Degree Programmes
B. A. History
B.A. History and International Studies
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’ Level Subjects
The five O’Level Credits to include English Language, History or
Government or Civic Education, plus at least two other Arts or Social Science subjects and any other subject.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two Advanced Level Passes or equivalents in Government and any one other Arts or Social Science subject.
(ii) IJMB/JUPEB/International Baccalaureate Certificate at acceptable
grade levels.
(iii) NCE, ND or approved equivalents with at least Upper Credit in
relevant fields
(iv) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’Level requirements as stated in (iia) above.
(iii) UTME Subjects
English Language, History and any other two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences
For History and International Studies option, Government/ Civic Education may be allowed in place of History.
3. Department of Communication and Performing Arts
(i) Degree Programmes
B.A. Communication Arts
B. A. Theatre Arts
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’Level Subjects
The five O’Level credits to include English Language, Literature-in-English and three other Arts or Social Science subjects.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two Advanced Level passes in Literature and one other Arts subject.
(ii) IJMB/JUPEB at acceptable grade levels.
(iii) Diploma in Theatre Arts/Dramatic Arts from an accredited institution.
(iv) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’Level requirements as stated in (iia) above.
iii. Degree Programme
B.A. Music
Admission Requirements
a. O’ Level Subjects
The five O’Level Credits to include English Language plus three other Arts or Social Science subjects. A recognized certificate in Music from approved institution will be an advantage.
b. Direct Entry
i. At least two Advanced Level passes or equivalents including Music
ii. NCE/ND or approved equivalent in relevant subjects or ABRSM London Grade viii.
4. Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
(i) Degree Programmes
B. A. Philosophy
B.A. Religious Studies
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’Level Subjects
The five O’Level credits must include English Language, Christian/Islamic Religious Studies, two relevant Arts/Social Science subjects and any other one.
(E) FACULTY OF LAW (4 or 5 Year Programme)
1. Degree Programme
2. Admission Requirements
(i) O’ Level Subjects
Candidates must have five (5) O’ Level credits to include: English Language, Literature in English and three other subjects obtained at not more than two sittings. A pass in Mathematics is acceptable.
(ii) UTME Subjects
English Language, Literature in English and any two (2) other Arts or Social Science subjects.
(iii) Direct Entry
Two (2) papers at Advanced Level to include English and Literature in English. In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ Level requirements as stated in (2i) above.
(F) FACULTY OF SCIENCE (3 or 4 Year Programme)
General Entry Requirements
Candidates seeking admission to the Faculty of Science and Science Education must possess a minimum of five (5) Ordinary Level Credit Passes in English Language and Mathematics in addition to specific departmental requirements.
(1) Department of Biological Sciences
(i) Degree Programmes
B.Sc. Microbiology
B.Sc. Pure and Applied Biology
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’ Level Subjects
The five O’ Level credits to include English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and any one of Physics, Further Mathematics, Geography, Food and Nutrition.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least any two GCE Advanced Level passes in Botany, Zoology, Biology or Chemistry.
(ii) IJMB/JUPEB/NCE/ND or approved equivalent.
(iii) ND holders must possess a minimum of Lower Credit
(iii) HND holders must possess a minimum of Lower Credit for admission to 300 Level for the Plant Biology and Zoology programmes.
(iv) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ level requirements as stated in (iia) above.
(2) Department of Biochemistry
(i) Degree Programme
B.Sc. Biochemistry
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) ‘O’ Level Subjects
The five O’ Level credits to include: English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two GCE Advanced Level passes in Biology, Chemistry, and either Mathematics or Physics
(ii) IJMB/JUPEB/NCE/ND or approved equivalent at an acceptable grade level.
(iii) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ Level requirements as stated in(iia)above.
(3) Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
(i) Degree Programmes
B.Sc. Chemistry
B. Sc. Industrial Chemistry
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’ Level Subjects
The five O’ Level subjects to include English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two GCE Advanced Level passes in Chemistry and either Mathematics or Physics.
(ii) IJMB/JUPEB/NCE/ND or approved equivalent.
(iii) Holders of HND from a recognised Polytechnic with a minimum of Lower credit in Chemistry, Applied Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry and Laboratory Technology can be admitted into 300 Level.
(iv) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ level requirements as stated in(iia) above.
(4) Department of Computer Science and Information Technology
(i) Degree Programme
B.Sc. Computer Science
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’ Level Subjects
The five O’ Level subjects to include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, and any two from Further Mathematics, Biology/Agricultural Science, Chemistry, Geography, Economics, Technical Drawing, Basic Electronics, Computer Studies, and Data Processing.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two GCE Advanced Level passes to include Mathematics and Physics
(ii) IJMB/JUPEB/NCE/ND or approved equivalent
(iii) HND holders from a recognized Polytechnic with a minimum of Lower credit for admission into 300 Level.
(iv) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ level requirements as stated in (ii a) above.
(5) Department of Mathematics and Statistics
(i) Degree Programmes
B.Sc. Mathematics
B. Sc. Statistics
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’ Level Subjects
The five O’ Level credits to include English Language, Mathematics and any other three subjects from Physics, Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science,
Computer Studies, Economics, Further Mathematics and Technical Drawing.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two GCE Advanced Level passes to include Mathematics and any one ofBiology, Chemistry, Economics, Statistics and Physics.
(ii) IJMB/JUPEB/NCE/ND or approved equivalent at an acceptable grade level.
(iii) For Statistics, a diploma in Statistics from a recognized university is acceptable.
(iv) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ level requirements as stated in (iia) above
(c) UTME Subjects
English Language, Mathematics and any other two relevant subjects.
(a) O’ Level Subjects
The five O’ Level credits to include English Language, Mathematics and any other three subjects from Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural
Science, Computer Studies, Geography, Economics, Further Mathematics and Technical Drawing.
(6) Department of Physics
(i) Degree Programme
B. Sc. Physics with Electronics
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’ Level Subjects
The five O’ Level subjects to include English Language, Mathematics, Physics,and any two from Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science, Geography, Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics and Food and Nutrition, Basic Electricity, Basic Electronics and Computer Studies.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two GCE Advanced Level Passes in Mathematics and Physics.In exceptional cases, Physics and Chemistry may be considered.
(ii) IJMB/JUPEB/NCE/ND or approved equivalent.
(iii) HND holders from a recognised Polytechnic with a minimum of Lower Credits in Physics or Physics with Electronics or Electrical and Electronics Engineering may be admitted to 300 Level.
(iv) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ Level requirements as stated in (iia) above.
General Entry Requirements
Candidates seeking admission to the Faculty of Social and Management Sciences must possess a minimum of five (5) Ordinary Level Credit Passes to include English Language and Mathematics in addition to specific departmental requirements.
(1) Department of Accounting
(i) Degree Programme
B.Sc. Accounting
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’ Level Subjects
The five O’ Level Credits to include English Language, Mathematics and any other three relevant social science subject,which may include Government/Geography/Civic Education, Commerce, Economics, Business Studies/Education and Financial Accounting / Book keeping.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two Passes at GCE Advanced Level, to include Economics and any one of Government, Geography, Mathematics, Business Method and EconomicHistory.
(ii) IJMB/JUPEB/NCE/ND/ATS of ICAN or approved equivalent.
(iii) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ level requirements as stated in (iia) above.
(2) Department of Banking and Finance
(i) Degree Programme
B.Sc. Banking and Finance
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’ Level Subjects
The five ‘O’ Level credits to include English Language, Mathematics, any two other Social Science subjects and any other subject.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two GCE Advanced Level Passesin relevant subjects.
approved equivalent.
(iii) Holders of HND in Banking and Finance, Accounting, Business Administration and other related disciplines from a recognized Polytechnic.
(iv) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ Level requirements as stated in (iia) above.
(3) Department of Business Administration
(i) Degree Programme
B.Sc. Business Administration
B. Sc. Industrial Relations and Personnel Management
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’ Level Subjects
The five O’ Level Credits to include English Language, Mathematics, and at least (3) other subjects from general and Business Subject categories.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two GCE Advanced Level passes in relevant subjects.
approved equivalent.
(iii) Holders of HND in Business Administration, Accounting and other related disciplines from a recognized Polytechnic.
(iv) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ Level requirements as stated in (iia) above.
(4) Department of Industrial Relations and Personnel Management
(i) Degree Programme
B. Sc. Industrial Relations and Personnel Management
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’ Level Subjects
The five O’ Level Credits to include English Language, Mathematics, and at least (3) other subjects from general and Business Subject categories.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two GCE Advanced Level passes in relevant subjects.
approved equivalent.
(iii) Holders of HND in Business Administration, Accounting and other related disciplines from a recognized Polytechnic.
(iv) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ Level requirements as stated in (iia) above.
(5) Department of Economics
(i) Degree Programme
B.Sc. Economics
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’ Level Subjects
The Five O’ Level credits to include English Language, Mathematics, Economics,one social science subject from Geography, Government, History, Civic Education, Sociology, Psychology, and any other subject.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two GCE Advanced Level passes which must include Economics, and any other subject from Government, Geography, History, Sociology, Psychology, Mathematics, and Further Mathematics.
(ii) IJMB/JUPEB/NCE/ND or its approved equivalent at an acceptable grade level.
(iii) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ Level requirements as stated in (iia) above.
(6) Department of Mass Communication
(i) Degree Programme
B.Sc. Mass Communication
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’ Level Subjects
The five O’ Level credits to include English Language, Mathematics, Literature-in-English and two other subjects in Arts, Social Sciences, Business and General subjects
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two Advanced Level passes in any Arts or Social Science subjects. This may include Commerce and Financial Accounting.
(ii) IJMB/JUPEB/NCE/ND or its approved equivalent.
(iii) HND holders with Upper Credit in Mass Communication or
related courses.
(iv) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ Level requirements as stated in (iia) above.
(7) Department of Political Science and Diplomatic Studies
(i) Degree Programme
B.Sc. Political Science
B. Sc. International Relations
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’ Level Subjects
Five O’ Levelcredits to include English Language, Mathematics and at least three (3)other subjects from general requirements.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two Advanced Level passes in relevant subjects
(ii) IJMB/JUPEB/NCE/ND or its approved equivalent
(iii) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ Level requirements as stated in (iia) above.
(8) Department of Sociology
(i) Degree Programmes
B.Sc. Sociology
(ii) Admission Requirements
(a) O’ Level Subjects
The five O’ Levelcredits to include English Language, Mathematics and at least one from Economics, Geography, Government or History and any other two subjects from Commerce, Financial Accounting, Civic Education, Bookkeeping and any other subject.
(b) Direct Entry
(i) At least two Advanced Level passes to include Economics,Historyor Government, Geography, and Religious Studies.
(ii) IJMB/JUPEB/NCE/ND or its approved equivalent.
(iii) HND holders with a minimum of Upper Credit from a recognized Polytechnic in approved Sociology related subjects.
(iii) In addition, candidates must satisfy the O’ Level requirements as stated in(iia) above.
(H) How To Apply For BU 2017/2018 Admission Screening
(a) On-Line Application
To complete the on-line application form:
• Visit Bowen University website @ www.bowenuniversity.edu.ng
• Click on “Apply Now” under the UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION sub menu. This takes you to the admission guide. Go through it and click on “CLICK HERE TO APPLY” at the bottom of the page, to create an identity (Pre-Registration).
• After the pre-registration, generate a payment invoice with your unique transaction ID for the sum of Ten thousand Naira (N10, 000) only as application form fee.
• Then, proceed to Quick teller page to make payment online.
• Payment for on-line forms through Banks – After generating a unique transaction ID through the University website, applicants may proceed to any of the following banks with their transaction ID to make payments: Skye Bank, Sterling Bank, Diamond Bank, First Bank, Guarantee Trust Bank and Zenith Bank Plc.
• Upon confirmation of payment, proceed to the School Admission page “apply.bowenuniversity.edu.ng/apply to log in using your already created username and password in order to complete and submit the application form.
• Upon successful submission, print out your acknowledgement card and profile.
• On-Line Application Forms are also available for sale at the Bowen Microfinance Bank, Baptist Academy Compound, Obanikoro, Lagos. Contact: 08034955444, 08023672806, 08062435570.
(b) Off-Line Application Forms
• Application Forms may be obtained from any of the Application Form Sales Centres indicated in ‘H’ below upon the presentation of a non-refundable application fee of
N10, 000.00 (Ten thousand naira) only in bank draft payable to Bowen University, Iwo from any of the following banks: Skye Bank Plc, Diamond Bank Plc, United Bank For Africa (UBA), Guarantee Trust Bank, Sterling Bank Plc and Zenith Bank Plc.
• Candidates must indicate their names and addresses at the back of the Bank Draft.
Application forms may be obtained from the following Sale Centres:
i) Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State. Tel: 08062088600, 09036206970 or 07085434397
ii) Bowen University Liaison Office, Baptist Building, Oke Bola, Ibadan, Oyo State.
Tel: 08033797387
iii) First Baptist Church, Opposite NNPC Quarters, Area 11, P. O. Box 331, Garki, Abuja. Tel: 08059648342, 08039102716.
iv) Ekiti Baptist Conference Secretariat, Km. 3 Ikere Road, Off Ologede Police Station, Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State. 08036904499
v) Baptist College of Theology Benin, NTA Road, Benin City, Edo State. 08038412738
vi) Central Baptist Conference Secretariat, Lamingo Dam road, Rikkos, Jos, Plateau State. 08065517071.
vii) Bethel Baptist Conference, 4 Ahmadu Bello Way, Kaduna, Kaduna State. Tel: 08023551299
viii) Bowen Microfinance Bank, Baptist Academy Compound, Obanikoro,Lagos. Tel: 08034955444, 08062435570
ix) Imo Baptist Conference Secretariat, 120 Wetheral Road, Owerri, Imo State. 07037919943.
x) Rivers Baptist Conference Secretariat, No 7 William Jumbo Street, Old GRA, Port-Harcourt. 08064180777.
xi) Kwara Baptist Conference Secretariat, Afon Road, Ganmo, Ilorin, Kwara State. 08039125460.
xii) Ogun State Baptist Conference, Baptist Mission Compound, Idi-Aba, Abeokuta, Ogun State. 07069647706.
xiii) Ondo State Baptist Conference Secretariat, Block 001 Plot 7 & 8 Alagbaka GRA, Extension Adjacent Freeman Petrol Station, Oba Ile Rd, Akure, Ondo State. 07038917271.
xiv) Lagos Central Baptist Conference, Secretariat, C/O Ijero Baptist Church, 884, Apapa Road, Church, 122, Ipaja Rd, Ikeja, Lagos
xv) Lagos West Baptist Conference, Secretariart, C/O Union Baptist Church, Ebute-Metta Agege
xvi) Delta State Baptist Conference, Amukpe, Sapele, Delta State. 08057257907.
xvii) Bowen Pre-degree Programme Centre, Ilobu Road, Osogbo, Osun State. Tel: 08136899924
xviii) Beulah Baptist Centre, Behind Baptist High School, Ogbomoso, Oyo State. 08053514160
xix) Oyo West Baptist Conference Secretariat, Oyo, Oyo State. 08035762942
xx) Providence Baptist Church, Uyo, Akwa – Ibom State 08039102716
Application Forms obtained from sales centres are to be submitted at the following centres:
a. Baptist Academy, Obanikoro, Lagos for candidates who have chosen Lagos as their preferred Screening Exercise Centre.
b. Baptist Building, Oke-Bola, Ibadan for candidates who have chosen Bowen University, Iwo as their preferred Screening Exercise Centre.
c. Bowen University, Iwo for candidates who have chosen Bowen University, Iwo as their preferred Screening Exercise Centre.
d. Bowen University Pre-Degree Programme Centre, Ilobu Road, Osogbo for candidates who have chosen Osogbo as their preferred Screening Exercise Centre.
e. Baptist Conference, Kawo, Kaduna for candidates who have chosen Kaduna as their preferred Screening Exercise Centre.
f. Baptist College of Theology Benin, NTA Road, Benin-City for candidates who have chosen Benin-City as their preferred Screening Exercise Centre.
g. Rivers State Baptist Conference Secretariat, No.7, William Jumbo Street, Old GRA,
Port- Harcourt for candidates who have chosen Port-Harcourt as their preferred Screening Exercise Centre.
h. First Baptist Church, Opp. NNPC Quarters, Area 11, Garki, Abuja for candidates who have chosen Abuja as their preferred Screening Exercise Centre.
i. Kwara Baptist Conference Secretariat, Afon Road, Ganmo, Kwara State for candidates who have chosen Ilorin as their preferred Screening Exercise Centre.
j. Ondo State Baptist Secretariat, Block 001, Plot 7 & 8, Alagbaka GRA Extension, Adjacent Freeman Petrol Station, Oba Ile Road, Akure, Ondo State for candidates who have chosen Akure as their preferred Screening Exercise Centre.
k. Imo Baptist Conference Secretariat, 120 Wetheral Road, Owerri for candidates who have chosen Obinze- Owerri as their preferred Screening Exercise Centre.
l. Ogun State Baptist Conference Secretariat, Baptist Mission Compound, Idi-Aba, Abeokuta, for candidates who have chosen Abeokuta as their preferred Screening Exercise Centre.
m. Providence Baptist Church, 8, Baptist Avenue, Off Edet Akpan Lane (4-Lane), Itiam Edem Akai, Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State. 08039102716.
(K) BU 2017/2018 Admission Screening Screening Date and Details
All applicants are to appear for BOWEN University Screening Exercise to be conducted by the University on a date to be announced later at any of the following preferred Centre:
(i) Baptist Academy, Obanikoro, Lagos
(ii) Baptist College of Theology NTA/TV Road, Benin-City
(iii) Baptist Model Secondary School, Obinze, Along Owerri/Port-Harcourt Road, Owerri, Imo State.
(iv) Fullness of God Nursery and Primary School, Ijapo Estate, Akure.
(v) Baptist Theological Seminary, Kaduna
(vi) Bowen University, Iwo,
(vii) Bowen University Pre-Degree Programme Centre, Osogbo.
(viii) Faith Baptist College,#1 Rumuaparaeli Street, Beside Holy Rosary Secondary School, Old GRA Port-Harcourt, Rivers State.
(ix) First Baptist Church, Area 11, Garki, Abuja.
(x) Union Baptist Grammar School, Ga-Akanbi, Ilorin, Kwara State.
(xi) Baptist Girls College, Missions, Idi Aba, Abeokuta, Ogun State.
(xii) Delta Baptist Conference Amupre, Sapele, Delta State
(xiii) Gilgal International School, Shelter Afrique Extension, Mbiabong, Uyo, Akwa – Ibom State
Candidates are requested to come along with the following for the screening exercise:
i. Off line / On-line Generated Acknowledgement forms
ii. 2017 UTME result slip
iii. O’Level result
iv. Birth certificate
The screening of candidates will start at 9.00am in each of the venues