OAU notice on schedule for practical Courses

OAU notice on schedule for practical Courses

The Division of Student Affairs wishes to inform all students that the second group of students expected on campus on Monday, 29th of March, 2021 to Friday 16th of April, 2021 for the practical contents of their courses are as follows:

. Agriculture-Part 1 to 3,52 Arts-

Department of Music, Part 1-4

Department of Foreign Languages, Parts 1,2 &4

Students offering these courses:

EGL103, EGL201, EGL301, DRA103, DRA209, DRA105, DRA307, DRA 413,

DRA 423, DRA 427 EDM- Parts 1-5

4. Technology-Parts 1 to 5

Education: Students offering these courses:

BOT101, BOT103, CHMI01, CHM103,

ZOO103, BOT201, CHM205, CHM207, CSC301, ZOO201, BOT203, BOT301,BOT303,.ZOO301, BOT305, ZOO401.Z00403,CHM101,CHM103,PHY101,PHY107,CHM201,CHM203,CHM205,PHY203,CHM305,CHM307,CHM309,CSC201,CHM401,PHY201.PHY203,PHY205,PHY207,PHY301,PHY303,PHY305,PHY307 PHY401,PHY405,PHY431, MTH101, MTH201,MTH205,MTH207,MTH311,MTH305,MTH423,MTH401, MTH403,MTG409,MTH417,CSC331,CSC221,PHE1O1,PHE201,PHE301,PHE405,PHE41.PHEII1,PHE213,PHE209

Social Sciences: Students offering these courses:

CSC333, PS Y205, GPY205, GPY303, GPY417, GPY419

All students should strictly observe COVID-19 protocols in and outside the Campus.

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