The heavy Rain in Osun State on Wednesday , did not drop well on the pre-degree foundation students of the OAU, as many of them were hospitalized, while others were made to sleep in the cold lecture theater.
Osun State, especially Ife North, where the OAU pre-degree campus is located witnessed an heavy downpour, which started at about 6:15pm on 16th February 2016.
Unknown number of female students of the Obafemi Awolowo University’s pre-degree program got injured as the new Bva hostel's roof collapsed.
Halimat, who spoke with me said that the heavy rain and the ravaging wind took away roof of their hostel and made them sleep in the cold.
“The rain alongside the heavy wind took away our roof and made us sleep wet in one of our lecture theatre” She added that many of her colleagues were rushed to the health center for treatment, after sustaining different grades of injuries . “Some of us have been taking to the pre- degree clinic, after the ceiling fell on them, while some got cut by the pan ” she said. Meanwhile, the OAU Pre-degree management have declared a two week break for the students, to allow for the reconstruction of the collapsed hostel.