NOUN notice on late registration & new dates for orientation & matriculation for 2023_2 semester

NOUN notice on late registration & new dates for orientation & matriculation for 2023_2 semester

We write to inform you that the Vice-Chancellor on behalf of Senate has approved the late Registration of Course and Examination for the 2023_2 semester which was earlier scheduled to close on Friday, 8th September, 2023.

Also, the dates for the 2023 2 semester Orientation and Matriculation Ceremony has been shifted from Tuesday, 12th and Wednesday, 13th September to Monday, 16 and Tuesday, 17th October, 2023 respectively.

To this end, all Study Centre Directors are to inform all the currently admitted and returning students in their respective study centres to take opportunity of this noble gesture of the Vice-Chancelor to conclude all registrations for the 2023 2 semester before the students' portals for course and examination registration will be closed.

Your prompt action will be highly appreciated.

Thank you.

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