The Management of Federal Polytechnic Nekede (NEKEDEPOLY) has released the academic calendar for the continuation of the 1st and 2nd semester of the 2019/2020 academic session. Students of the institution are hereby informed that academic activities will run as follows;
NEKEDEPOLY revised academic calendar for 2019/2020 session
1. Saturday 14 November, 2020: Arrival of Students
2. Monday, 16 November, 2020: Lectures/Revisions Begin
3. Sunday, 22 November, 2020: Lectures/Revisions End
4. Monday, 23 November, 2020: Exams Begin (HND II & ND II) (Regular & Part-time)
5. Sunday, 6 December, 2020: Exams End (HND II & ND I) (Regular & Part-time)
6. Monday, 7 December, 2020: Exams Begin (HND I& ND I) (Regular & Part-time)
7. Sunday 20th December 2020: Exams End (HND I & ND I) (Regular & Part-time)
8. Saturday, 2 January, 2021: Arrival of all Students
9. Monday, 4 January, 2021: Lectures Begin
10. Sunday, 14 March, 2021: Lectures End
11. Monday, 15 March, 2021: Students Week /SUG Election
12. Sunday, 28 March, 2021: Students Week /SUG Election
13. Monday, 29 March, 2021: Revision Start
14. Sunday, 4 April, 2021: Revision End
15. Monday, 5 April, 2021: Exams Begin (HND II & ND II) (Regular & Part-time)
16. Suday 18th April, 2021: Exams Ends (HND Ii & ND iI) (Regular & Part-time)
17. Monday 19th April, 2021: Exams Begin (HND 1 & ND I) (Regular & Part-time)
18. Sunday 2nd May, 2021: Exams Ends (HND I & ND I) (Regular & Part-time)
Continuation of 1 semester for 2019/2020, Session starts from Saturday 14 November, 2020-Sunday, 20 December, 2020 (5 Weeks).
2ND SEMESTER 2019/2020.
Saturday, 2January, 2021 - Sunday, 2 May, 2021 (17 weeks)
One (1) week break from Monday 3 May, 2021 - Sunday, 10h May, 2021 before commencement of 2020/2021 Academic Session.