Federal Polytechnic Nekede, (NEKEDEPOLY) Higher National Diploma (HND) CBT screening result for 2019/2020 session has been released. Candidates who took part in the screening exercise can proceed to check their screening scores.
The CBT Scores can be accessed online. Candidates are to follow the guidelines and procedures below to check their HND CBT screening scores.
How To Check NEKEDEPOLY HND CBT Screening Result
- Candidates are to visit FPNO Screening Result portal via http://ndapplication.fpno.edu.ng/Applicant/PostUtmeResult/PostUtmeCbtScore
- Enter Your Application Number in the box provided e.g FPN/HNDM/2019/000000000****
- Click on the Submit Button to access your screening Score.
- HND CBT Score is rated over 40.
- This is not an offer of admission neither is it an Admission Letter.
- The complete result comprising the CBT and CGPA will be released at a later date.