Mock Exam: Have you received any info from JAMB? Enter Here

Mock Exam: Have you received any info from JAMB? Enter Here

So we are all expecting the JAMB Mock Exam for 2017 UTME to hold on Saturday, 8th April, 2017.

We believe all our candidates are ready to test the new platform & technology from JAMB, and we believe they will give their honest review of the new system on this website, once they are done.

Also Read: JAMB Mock Exam: See what you could expect

Since it's just 2 days to the exam, JAMB ought to have sent out more details to candidates concerning the planned exam on Saturday.

We are expecting details confirming the Date of the Mock exam for the candidates, their venue (or CBT centre to write) and the time for the exam.

Also Read: New JAMB Exam Format for 2017 UTME - Must Read

Since the mock exam is supposed to be a prototype of the actual exam, we expect the above information to have been sent out by now.

All those who indicated interest to write the Mock Exam, please check your emails properly to ensure an important information has not gone to your bulk or spam folder.

If you don't see any email, please visit the JAMB portal at and login with your account details, to see if further information have been updated on your profile concerning the JAMB Mock Exam.

If you find anything, please don't hesitate to come back here and let us know your findings, so as to alert other candidates.

If JAMB has not sent out messages concerning the Mock Exam by now, we only wonder how prepared they are for the 2017 UTME.

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