LAUTECH Pre-Degree Science Orientation Programme 2014-2015

LAUTECH  Pre-Degree Science Orientation Programme 2014-2015

In line with the decision of the Board on the above matter; I write at the instance

of the Chairman, BPDSP to invite you to a two-day Orientation Programme organized

for the 2014/2015 Pre-Degree Science students to be held on Tuesday and

Wednesday, January 27 and 28, 2015 at the 1,500LT at 10:00a.m daily.


Day 1 (Group A): Tuesday, January 27, 2015.
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon (Opening Ceremony).
Venue: 1,500LT.
Chairman: Prof. A. S. Gbadegesin, Vice – Chancellor.
Host: Prof. O. A. Odunola, Board Chairman.

1. Introduction of Principal Officers – Mr. ‘Lekan Fadeyi, Provost, Deans, members of the Head, Public and Alumni Relations Unit.

Board of Pre-Degree Science Programme (P&ARU) and Resource Persons 5 mins.

2. Welcome Address – Prof. O. A. Odunola (Board Chairman) 10 mins.

3. Opening Remarks – Vice-Chancellor 10 mins.

4. Orientation Theme – Getting The Best out of Programme.


i. Professor M. K. Akinloye – How to Excel in the Pre-Degree Science Pre-degree Science

ii. Professor I. A. Emiola – Academic Programmes available in LAUTECH (Dept. of P/A Physics) Programme: Emphasis on Academic, Moral 20 mins (Chairman, University Emphasis on: entry requirements, JAMB

iii. Dr. C. O. Adegbosin – Drug Abuse and Sexually Transmitted Admissions Committee) requirements. available spaces for the various ANB Department programmes 20 mins.
(Director of Medical Services) Diseases (STDS) among youths 15 mins.

iv. Students – Question Time 15 mins.

6. Vote of Thanks – Mr. E. A. Ajibesin

Day 2 (Group B): Wednesday, January 28, 2015.
Time: 10:00a.m. – 12:00noon (Closing Ceremony).
Venue: 1,500LT.
Chairman: Prof. E. T. Ayodele, Dean, FPAS.
Host: Prof. O. A. Odunola, Board Chairman.

1. Introduction of Principal Officers – Mr. ‘Lekan Fadeyi, Provost, Deans, members of the Head, Public and Alumni Relations Unit Board of Pre-Degree Science Programme (P&ARU) and Resource Persons 5 mins.

2. Welcome Address – Prof. O. A. Odunola (Board Chairman) 10 mins.

3. Opening Remarks – Vice-Chancellor 10 mins.

4. Orientation Theme – Getting The Best out of Programme


i. Professor M. K. Akinloye – How to Excel in the Pre-Degree Science Pre-degree Science (Dept. of P/A Physics) Programme: Emphasis on Academic, Moral 20 mins.

ii. Professor I. A. Emiola – Academic Programmes available in LAUTECH (Chairman, University Emphasis on: entry requirements, Admissions Committee) JAMB requirements. available spaces for

iii. Dr. C. O. Adegbosin – Drug Abuse and Sexually Transmitted ANB Department the various programmes 20 mins.

(Director of Medical Services) Diseases (STDS) among youths 15 mins.

iv. Students – Question Time 15 mins.

6. Vote of Thanks – Mr. E. A. Ajibesin.

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