We're pleased to announce that the 2022 JAMB UTME results have been released. This was confirmed by some of the JAMB candidates via the JAMB result monitoring thread. To check your result right now, only the shortcode method is available at this time. Find instructions to check below;
To check your result using the shortcode method, create an SMS with the word " UTMERESULT" and send it to 55019. Please ensure you use the phone line used to register for UTME. You are required to have a least N50 airtime credit balance. This is the only method available at this time. For those who don't have sufficient airtime, we will let you know once JAMB opens the free portal. All those who checked using the shortcode method will also be required to confirm their result on the portal once it opens.
Please note also that not all results may be released at this time, especially for those who just recently wrote the exam.