We have many complaints from candidates who were unable to access their results even on JAMB Portal days after sitting for the 2016 UTME and have decided to create this thread to address the issue.
We understand that some of you expected JAMB to send your scores to your phone numbers and are yet to receive such message. If you are among this category, you are advised to visit the official 2016 JAMB result checking portal by clicking here to verify your result online.
However, if you have checked online and got a response like "No Result Yet", just relax. There's no need to get overly panicked.
From experience we know JAMB usually releases some of these withheld results days after the conclusion of the whole exams; except when such results are linked with malpractice issues of any kind.
So we advise candidates to keep checking the 2016 JAMB Official result checking portal. Hopefully, your result will be made available in no distant time.