The latest coming from some JAMB CBT candidates is that JAMB will not send you an SMS alert or even release your result if you did not write your JAMB registration number, phone number and signature on the rough sheet given to you during the exam.
The truth now is that this is totally false!
JAMB will release your result even if you don't write your JAMB registration number, phone or signature.
We're confirming this based on a testimony by a SchoolGister... Uju90's said;
"Pls guys, this is a testimony..and may it remain permanent for me in jesus name amen. I just got alert from JAMB...my score is 231. I didnt put down my number or reg number on that rough sheet but i did during my registeration for jamb. Follow me and thank God. I want u all to follow me and thank God. And may he bless d next step even better."
This obviously clarifies all issues that not writing your details on your rough sheet would stop you from getting your result, but for those of you that are yet to write, it does not mean you should not write your details on the rough sheet. ALWAYS FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS...
So did you write your Reg No, Phone No and Signature on the rough sheet? And let's know the status of your result and the date you wrote using the comment box provided below this page....