Introducing Myschool Free Online Exam Practice Platform for JAMB, WAEC, NECO and NABTEB

Introducing Myschool Free Online Exam Practice Platform for JAMB, WAEC, NECO and NABTEB today, Sunday December 9, 2012 have introduced a free online examination practice platform for JAMB, WAEC, NECO and NABTEB candidates in Nigeria.

With this "Exam Hall", candidates can stay in their houses, schools, in moving vehicles, etc and take examinations at will, thereby preparing them for whatever examination they intend writing.

How to Take an Exam
1. Log on to the "Exam Hall" Section of this website.
2. Select 3 more subjects (English is compulsory).
3. Click "Start Exam", and there you go!
4. Make sure you finish the 40 questions in the session.
5. If at any point you wish to quit, kindly click on "Quit Exam".

Note that your performance in the "Exam Hall" is ranked alongside other students, so make sure to finish each session to record a high score! Best students will be awarded prizes later.

We know you can't wait to start, Click here to enter "Exam Hall".

The SchoolGist Team.

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