We're pleased to inform you of our new, distraction-free and premium Computer Based Testing (CBT) platform that helps you prepare for any CBT exam, SchoolGistCBT.com. As long as you are preparing for any CBT exam including, but not limited to, JAMB, WAEC, Post-UTME, Entrance or School Exams, this is the platform you should always use.
This new portal is freely accessible to those, who already have an activation code for either the The SchoolGist app or the The SchoolGist software. If you already have an activation code, please login with the account used to purchase the code to continue freely. You can easily access the platform using any browser on any device. You don't need another activation code to use it.
This platform is very essential to;
- iPhone users, especially those moving from an already activated Android phone or computer system. Using your browser, simply access the best JAMB CBT simulator at www.SchoolGistcbt.com
- Our mobile app users, who have already activated their mobile phone and have been practising questions with it, but just need a few computer testing experiences with the actual CBT environment of their coming exam. With any computer system browser, just open www.SchoolGistcbt.com and login with your account to continue for free.
- Our computer software users, who have been practising with the CBT software, but require access to continue practising on the go via their mobile phones. Open any browser, visit www.SchoolGistcbt.com, login and keep learning and testing yourself.
We're trying to save you money. So if you have ever purchased an activation code on SchoolGist, you already have free and full access to the new CBT platform. If you have never purchased a SchoolGist activation code for only N1000, simply get an activation code for either The SchoolGist app or the The SchoolGist software to have unlimited access to the new portal.
This practice platform works on all devices with a browser and features a new design layout that is closer to your actual CBT environment. It also features a simple calculator and the ability to save questions for later study. Simply visit the portal (www.SchoolGistcbt.com), login and practice your way to success.